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Oh yeah, if there was a way to send markup to the browser and have the browser render a UI for that. I wonder why nobody thought of that as of now ... oh. wait. ... ah we want "native" components. Yea. html only had "native components" for a long time, too ...

so - html as json without css and a richer component palette?

I think that’s a very understandable reaction, and I had the same initially. But, there are upsides to using a proprietary format over HTML:

1. Encoding behavior in custom components without resorting to Turing complete languages (JS), such that custom components (eg DatePicker)

2. Dependencies between components, like rules, become possible: If textfield A is empty, disable button B.

3. Access to native APIs that are not (yet) implemented in browsers.

Yep. WSL and WSL2 are great. I used Windows with WSL, upgrade to WSL2 then noticed I don't need the "Windows" part of the system anymore and WSL2 cross-boundary file access is slow, so I deleted Windows and finally installed Linux again on my work laptop. (Used Linux up to 2007, bought a Mac, another Mac, switched to Windows after Apple locked down the system because "Windows has WSL, so I can do my work stuff" and switched back to Linux due to a slow Filesystem under Windows - for my use case).

The only thing that pisses me off, is that the MS-Teams client for Linux is roughly 5 decades behind the Windows client, feature and stability-wise.

(And still have Windows on my private laptop for Fusion360 and games)

That's an abomination. I love it.

Haha, the old Java GUI builders in the 90s did something like this. You could either drag around the window (and the code would be updated) or modify the code (within limits) and it would parse it into the GUI builder.

Who's old enough to remember the Symantec Visual Cafe IDE?

I remember! The times where RAD was the next big thing.

I only used it after it was "remixed" into JBuilder. I actually used Visual Age from IBM, which I reckon was similar to Visual Cafe.

Yep, visual cafe was interesting. I was used to Delphi and I didn’t understand why cafe was so much worse.

When connecting to it, does it return http status 418?

I was about to say a similar joke: "Good thing the microwave doesn't think it's a teapot"

Bless you, I knew this was ringing bells but couldn’t quite place it.

It should :-D

I grew up in Germany in the cold war, around 80 km west of the iron curtain. Prime target for nukes from both sides as it would be the place where Nato and Warshaw Pact would collide. In fact there were even nuclear "landmines" near bridges or other tactical points for making areas impassable by soviet tanks.

During the 80s I was fully aware that - if WW3 would have broken out, even in a limited way - it would have meant game over for me. You'll learn just not to worry about that.

> In fact there were even nuclear "landmines" near bridges or other tactical points for making areas impassable by soviet tanks.

Wait, were these ever actually deployed?! They were certainly studied, but I didn't think they ever made it into the ground.

NATO learnt quickly not to discuss results of their own exercises publicly.

Turns out that "success" involved "most of germany dead by NATO nukes" didn't bring positive attention.

Interesting thing about "clean code" I just read today:


The article says we need to use more precise words. In this case, the macro can create a bug, so is using the macro "cleaner"?

Nah. This is people who are being harrassed making fun of the idiots. It won't solve any problem, but it helps with a mindset to deal with it.

I’m sorry, how does changing yummy mommy to boss make fun of anyone?

Nah. My home internet is originally Dual-Stack lite IPv6 mainly with IPv4 being tunneled over an Enterprise-like NAS (so my outgoing IPv4 connections share the address with other users).

I just switched to full dual stack (by leasing a static IPv4 address from my provider) to be able to handle incoming connections for my VPN. As long as you don't want to host anything on IPv4, dual stack lite is fine.

Wow, someone invented another verbal description for level 5 autonomy. Including his own name as a hashtag. Wooooo!


Edit: Sorry. Level 4.

To be fair the level system is dumb so I support anyone that wants to describe things in a better way than it does.

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