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Awesomest Halloween ever.

"I can tell what you had for dinner"

Can’t sell it, have to hold it, storage isn’t free, so effectively if it isn’t evidence, they can’t keep it.

I wonder if you are owed interest on cash held for an extended period of time.

In the United States, the single most determinative factor for lifetime earnings and life expectancy is the zip code you were born in and grew up in, up to age 13 or so.

Frist Psot culture is real: everyone else sees the “contribution”, and if it happens to be of marginal value, it earns karma.

Stochastic karma farming benefits from a larger N, hence posting without reading.

Thanks for weighing in! But this is just speculation, right? Are you speaking from experience? I'm specifically looking for someone who does it to explain it.

I mean, I can make my own guesses about various forms of attention seeking and hopes to somehow cash in on high karma all day long but, to me it feels like HN is among the worst possible venues for that. I'm not aware of easy ways to convert HN karma into cash flow like you maybe could with followers on other platforms. So I don't immediately see a benefit in just farming karma for its own sake.

Is there some benefit to karma farming I'm not aware of? Like, some points-to-dollars conversion stream that I'm not in the loop on?

So, hacker news internet points, yes, mostly useless.

That said, visibility in this community IS valuable.

How many billions of dollars flow through yc companies?

Obligatory discussion of hacker news karma points: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35174825

Who gave Centerpoint the monopoly? Who holds center point accountable? Houston Mayor? Nope.

State government. Republicans.

That you for making an excellent point.

Who gave PG&E the monopoly in CA?

PG&E could not be more different.

Thank you for making my point so succinctly.

Take any metric you like: child mortality, educational outcomes, hunger, per capita income, media income, purchasing power parity, you name it.

Compare those cities to traditionally Republican run states.

Try it.

There is a very very good reason why the best and brightest leave rural republican areas and move to the big cities: it is better in almost every way we measure human wellbeing.

You cannot compare states to cities.

>Compare those cities to traditionally Republican run states

The South was traditionally ran by the Democratic Party.

Ok, try Republican run cities, if you can find them.

Also, compare net federal tax inputs vs outputs for states. Blue states pay for Red states. Massively.

Are you serious about the Dixiecrats? Really? Go read about Lee Atwater and the Southern Strategy. Find out what “States Rights” really means.

Direct recording of Lee Atwater on the southern strategy: https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwa...

>Are you serious about the Dixiecrats? Really?

This is what happens when the only "history" you consume is from reddit comments. I'm embarrassed for you. This is top-tier /r/confidentlyincorrect cringe. No, not the Dixiecrats, the Democratic Party. From your GP above: "... traditionally Republican run states."

The South was not "traditionally Republican run", it was solidly Democratic: "The Solid South was the electoral voting bloc for the Democratic Party in the Southern United States between the end of the Reconstruction era in 1877 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964."[0] Traditionally the "Red" states you opine about were a staunch voting bloc for the Democratic Party.


[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_South

Not surprised I didn't get a response. Facts are racist, and reality is fascist.


Does the mayor have any influence whatsoever over Centerpoint, the private company given a monopoly by the state government which has been run by Republicans for god knows how long?

Huh, odd that profit seeking behavior doesn’t maximize the public well being in the case of natural monopolies.

4x more soldiers killed themselves than died in combat since 9/11. [0]

At least 2X more soldiers kill themselves in peacetime than die in combat in every war that we as a species has tracked suicide rates for veterans.


Life is hell if the world won't let you be who you were born to be.

I'm not sure if I would have made it if I'd been born into a world without computers.

The cannibal zombie cult that uses a gruesome execution device as their symbol?

No thanks.

As long as you eat the transmogrified flesh, you get to be a zombie too, at some point (the last day), no matter your sins in life...well as long as you give all your wealth away first (preferably to the Church but if you give it in a way that brings more people that's okay too). The institution just gives you an opportunity to start the process during life as a gentle precursor to what comes after death.

Like that old wise crack: "Which part of my story gives you the impression I like crosses? So much that you use one as a symbol for me...?!?!?!"

Not to mention, the word "christian" was originally meant as an insult. So offensive.

It still kind of is?

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