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Side effects are monadic (the main side-effectful abstraction, Task, is the continuation monad). There are no algebraic effects.

If someone steals your laptop and breaks in I think you have many problems equal to, or more severe, than your shell history.

It's unlikely that macros will be supported. Regarding editors, it's unlikely that effort on the advertised Roc editor will start in earnest some time soon. I actually recently merged an LSP implementation into the mainline compiler ([details on how to integrate here](https://roc.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/304902-show-and-tel...)), and that's likely to develop more in the near future, before a standalone Roc editor is available.

https://ayazhafiz.com/cc. A lot of programming languages, type systems stuff.

Author here. Yes, the scheme requires whole-program compilation, which is unfortunate. If you’re okay with statically-linked dependencies there is only the large problem of making a compiler that is adept to incremental re-compilation. However, any monomorphizing compiler faces such a challenge, so the problem is not unique.

Thanks for confirming, and that is a good point! However, I think that for monomorphizing compilers, programmers often write code in such a way as to avoid triggering a larger rec-compilation. With monomorphization this might be easier to achieve since you need to control how your datastructures are instantiated. But with functions you would need to control how the functions are passed. For example, a use of a Haskell-style `lens` package would probably trigger a re-compilation of `lens -> kan-extensions -> profunctors -> comonad -> base`. Programmers can work around that, but it may place restrictions on what they can easily do with the language.

Yes - that’s a great observation. The scheme here means that you can end up with compilation dependencies that aren’t reflected in your explicit dependency graph, exactly e.g. via the path you describe.

The same is true of monomorphization in presence of typeclasses (or traits, concepts, etc). I have some ideas about how to do such incremental compilations optimally, but they haven’t been written down.

Anyway, I totally agree with you. I don’t mean to suggest this is the best way to do things - if anything Rust/C++/etc have taught us excessive monomorphization is probably not the way to go for developer experience reasons. You may be able to imagine some interesting derivative of the scheme presented here with something like Swift’s “witness table”-based compilation of protocols, which may be much more compile-time performant, and support separate compilation. But, I don’t even have a sketch of that. This is only one technique and the design space is very wide.

Another question: In the section on eliminating heap-allocated captures, you discuss creating a datatype for captures that is passed by-value. But what if that datatype is recursive? For example, how would you compile a CPS-transformed `reverse`:

  fun reverse(xs : list<a>, k : list<a> -> list<a>)
    match xs
      Cons(x, xx) -> reverse(xx, \ys -> k(Cons(x, ys)))
      Nil -> k(Nil)
Here, the `k` that is recursively passed depends on the previous `k`. As such `k` should be as large as the input list and can not be stack-allocated?

Yes - if the closure representation is recursive, it must be boxed. I believe your example is also that given by the original author (William Brandon et.al.). I don’t think there is any way around this, because it is the same as any other recursive data type at that point.

Although, if you know at compile time the size of the list, you could imagine compiling the recursive data type “unrolled” into a statically-sized array - but now you need dependent types.

Ah thanks! I didn't find that paper, is it online somewhere?

You may also be interested in the stack allocation system in OCaml: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGRn5ZIbEW8 In particular, Stephen gives a nice example in the end how it can avoid some allocations of lambdas (but it also would need to box the closure in the CPS-reverse).

You may also be interested in

  Jeffrey M. Bell, Françoise Bellegarde, and James Hook. “Type-Driven Defunctionalization,” ICFP ’97, . Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 25–37. 1997. doi:10.1145/258948.258953.

  Andrew Tolmach, and Dino P Oliva. “From ML to Ada: Strongly-Typed Language Interoperability via Source Translation.” Journal of Functional Programming 8 (4). Cambridge University Press: 367–412. 1998.
who thought about whole-program-defunctionalization before.

The manuscript is currently unpublished so it’s not available ):

Thanks for the links - I’ve seen them, and it’s interesting that defunctionalization is usually an optimization. The “Type-driven …” paper is the earliest work I’m aware of that does it over surface types, but doesnt “go all the way”.

Id love to chat more - a link to email can be found around the post, including at the bottom.

As someone who lives in embedded land, but wishes we had better concurrency and approaches (as embedded gains more and more cores and performance while still remaining low power, and sequencing tasks and race-to-idle becomes even more important), whole-program compilation is fine for me haha. We already have to do that for the most part anyway. Awesome ideas, I'm definitely digging in deeper this evening! Heap-less directly called closures would be amazing.


My personal blog! Let me know if you like any of the stuff on it. And what I'm wrong about :)

I like this design a lot. I like the margin notes in articles. And the design of /about is just so fun to look at.

A few complaints:

- on phones, the line spacing in the beige boxes on /about is too high

- I think the headers on /cc and /visual need tome tweaking

--- the spacing between the quote to the actual headline is too big

--- on CC, it took me a while to even figure out what the header was because it was nearly indistinguishable from the years

- the feedback tab takes you away from the website, despite looking identical to the other tabs.

I like it a lot! Very clean. Two observations:

There's a rather large blank space at the top, occupying significant vertical space. Since vertical space is most precious on all screen orientations, I'd consider cutting it.

The art on the 'visual' page looks very interesting, but clicking on them does nothing. At least make them links to the images themselves. The two with school buses are my favorites. I'd move them to the top to make the best first impression (though this is of course subjective! Place your best works first).

I entirely agree with you! And all of these are things covered in the post.

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