they go together. once you have a walled garden, the temptation to moderate/censor it is too large. censorship was practically impossible in the old internet before social media.
It was also largely unnecessary because folks hadn't normalized acting like wild animals in online spaces, tools for automating acting like a wild animal online were lacking, and reach was extremely limited so there was little financial incentive for private interests to engage with the space in any way. All of which takes a back seat to folks more or less agreeing that online is where bullshit lived and only an embarrassing rube would take any of it seriously. The great irony here being the amount of bullshit online has only increased decade over decade yet weirdly at some point folks started taking it seriously, with utterly predictable results.
62 fairlane, I'd welcome the attempt. If they somehow manage to both prime the fuel pump and trick the carb into introducing enough fuel into the engine to get it to start before the battery's stone dead I'd pay a princely sum for live video of them trying to figure out where first gear is while getting a rude introduction to purely mechanical steering. Given what I paid for it, I could have 6-10 of it stolen before I'm in the neighborhood of sticker on a "cheap" new car.
And column shifters still exist- hell, even the Tesla Model 3 has one- so any gen z kid who knows how a manual transmission works can shift it into gear.
I am quite certain that getting this vehicle started and out of it's parking space is fraught in ways that beggar belief for anyone who hasn't spent a significant portion of their life dealing with the vagaries of shitty vintage project cars, and even then this one's got several tricks up her sleeve that the initiated won't see coming. Think three on the tree, on the floor, with more than one wildly out of place barrier preventing straightforward movement through the shift pattern. Getting this thing in first is less like shifting a car and more like picking an oldschool lock with ward plates. Then there's the combination of dodgy battery and mulish fuel delivery system to contend with. The only person I've ever met who can consistently get this thing to crank cold is the lunatic that chopped out the aftermarket electric fuel pump and replaced it with an OEM mechanical pump out of sheer perversity. Equipment? Hell I could leave the key in the ignition and a sign in a window DARING someone to try and I still like my odds.
I've coded a few payment gateways over the years and spent several weekends neck deep in a few more. I don't remember all of the fine technical details of why payment handlers freak out over this kind of activity. What I do recall is spikes in small charges are a hallmark of a card dump being tested. Anyway this isn't the correct way to test a payment gateway. As stated elsewhere there's a mode flag and test card # that's used to confirm your code is working. Put another way, don't test in prod.
If there's a distinction there I sure as hell don't see it. Either you satisfy the conditions (testing, prod) or you don't. Don't test in prod. If that seems questionable for any reason that's a clear indication your dev and/or testing environments are lacking and you know it.
You’ve legitimately never tested something you built in production, after having already tested it in staging and local? You’ve just, had complete faith in staging production environment parity your entire career on every project and it has never failed you?
Oh I did all kinds of dumb shit over the course of a 20 year career, make no mistake, and testing in prod is the least of my sins. That doesn't make it any less stupid, and in the case of testing payment gateways pointless. If you're in test mode you're going to rub up against the same endpoint you would in live. Either the card info you package and send validates or it doesn't. Using a test card doesn't alter your level of control over the situation in any way, it all goes down on your payment processor's servers. All testing card processing with a live card in prod is going to buy you is bullshit transaction data in your live datastore, and maybe a little less anxiety if it's your first time. OP is having a panic attack over card processor TOS though, so they're jammed either way.
You don't believe that people write payment software? You don't believe that people deploy payment software? This is a firm requirement. You risk losing your PCI certification, your payment processor certification, or if a customer your payment processor account.
“Penny testing” is common in the real world, and isn’t limited to verifying bank accounts. It’s more broadly used to describe testing with very small amounts in production. That’s my experience anyway, working with various payments processors and BaaSes.
All I know is when I was writing systems used by franchises/gas stations there was zero tolerance. Maybe BassSes are so bad at moving things to production they had to loosen that up.
Yeah same, I've built a few integrations with payment gateways. I make extensive use of the test environment, for sure. But when it's gone live I've always done a single test purchase with a real card, just to be sure, and checked that the transaction appeared in the appropriate dashboards and reports from the payment processor.
Crypto has never posed a credible threat to any aspect of the establishment, and it never will. Need proof? You don't have to go through an arduous screening process to acquire and deploy compute. The finance industry saw a pool of dumb money forming and predictably decided they'd like a slice of the action.
> an arduous screening process to acquire and deploy compute
That right there is more unlikely than crypto becoming a credible threat to the banking establishment.
If you want to see a lot of dead bodies of rich people in the street, tell the rest of the world they can't have their smartphone and laptop and Xbox and Playstation.
Related: there are few things in this world I capital H hate with a murderous rage quite so thoroughly as a smug 23 year old blithely declaring individuals who've been mastering entire tech ecosystems longer than they've been alive "don't want to learn". Correction, children: we get sick of learning bullshit subsets of things we already know merely to satisfy the current marketing cycle among technological semi-literates.
This is getting so ingrained in todays society that it even spills over on non-tech. We have this provatisation craze going since a while and as soon as something don't work we expect the market to sort it by switching provider. For example now, the state has hired a taxi company to do all school transports for all kids that can't take the bus for any reason. And all other disabled transports that is the responsibility of the state. This has been working very bad since a number of reasons. The solution to this is that they rewrite the rules for the next contract round. All taxi companies gets to bid on the contract and the cheapest wins the contract.
If it didn't work with the previous one, do we really think it will work with the next one that wants even less money? Hint: The workers are the same since the winning bid cannot be won by a single taxi company. There will be a big company that has no drivers and they in turn will hire all the local taxi companies to do the actual work. They will do the same mistakes of setting the incentives wrong and we will end up with non function disabled people transport. Again. It's not even the first circle coming round. It just keeps happening.
This could have been a much broader critique. I find it deeply unsatisfying that the author limited themselves to grumbling about the last week in American politics. It suggests we are intended to derive meaning and direction from a handful of individuals who are profoundly unqualified to provide either.
The amount of shocking events that happened in the last week alone would've been spread out over an entire year a few decades ago. It's futile to discuss a broader picture in US politics now that insanity and outrage have become the norm.
And even from the last week being quite selective: omitting for example, the ending of a terrible war that killed 50k+ civilians with a negotiated ceasefire.
One thing worth noting about these agriscience improvements you're touting would be they require a combination of non-renewable inputs and unsustainable amounts of water. There is also the minor issue of unrecoverable topsoil depletion and the steady decline of nutrients in agricultural products tracked over decades. Kicking the can down the road isn't the same as solving the problem.