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My friend has the opposite problem. The ISP's map claims to offer fiber service on his whole block, and if you type in your address they'll even offer service at that specific address. The problem is his block is at least 80% multi-tenant dwellings, and they'll only do new installs if everyone in the building subscribes. They don't just want permission from the landlord to wire the whole building at once to save time if future tenants subscribe, they're just not gonna do it unless everyone pays. In my friend's case, they didn't even tell him this ahead of time, despite explicitly saying he was in an apartment on the form he filled out when he attempted to sign up. They just "helpfully" change it to a request for DSL service. This was explained to my friend by the technician that showed up with DSL hardware only capable of a faction of the speed he was currently getting on coax. Obviously, he refused service. Then he got to fight AT&T for a few months over bills for DSL services he never requested, and rental for hardware he never accepted.

I've actually bought/planned to buy a few things that I was introduced to via YouTube sponsorships, but it's never been any of the generic YouTube sponsor merchandise. It's always something highly relevant to the topic of the channel, or even the specific video. Usually some sort of specialty tool.

It's no longer functional, but in the past if you appended the parameter t=wadsworth to a YouTube URL it would skip the first 30% of a video.

There's a torrent going around the usual places that has every [as] bump from the launch of the network to whenever they last updated the archive (a few months ago in my case.)

Yeah, I hear people repeat that a lot, but it doesn't entirely align with my experience. A lot of the grocery stores I shop at (mostly Kroger and other national chains,) have a cooler right up front with the most popular dairy/refrigerated items for the people that are just there to pick those up.

All the Krogers I've been to have had the dairy opposite the entrance.

A bunch of stuff you will absolutely not care about. Unreleased music, rough cuts, behind the scenes footage, promo materials, etc. . .

Nothing about the content itself that would be interesting to the average HN reader, but I think this is the first time a celebrity has officially released a massive data dump like this.

IIRC, Emby has also had some GPL compliance issues. Jellyfin is a fork with of Emby with all the crap removed.

They're storing information about the app's current state, as well as tracking/analytic info. If you don't care about linking to an identical view and just want to link to a specific location, you can trim the URL down to just the coordinates like this: https://www.google.com/maps/place/@55.9285659,-4.7106362,17z...

Rokid and Xreal have products that are more up your alley.

>I could not upload anything to imgur from my phone or tablet

What devices are you using? I upload to imgur from my phone all the time. Just do it from a browser in desktop mode, you don't even have to login.

Presumably like any normal person: I installed their application, logged in (I have an account), and was then stonewalled by the lack of any upload apparatus within the general vicinity.

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