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‘ipfs add’ pins the file by default, not sure if that’s recent behaviour though.

It's not recent, been like that since at least 2015, if not earlier.

PostGIS would get you up and running, but is not particularly quick unless you have a budget and the knowledge to tune it. It is however probably the most mature, and will be able to do anything you need.

If you need read speed, check out Clickhouse, or something in memory, like Tile38. Clickhouse in my experience is at least 50-100x faster for a point in polygon than Postgis out of the box.

The BBC is pro government. It was pro Labour for many years recently. It’s still fairly unbiased compared to most sources.

Debunked how? It seems the consensus is that it’s just as secure as using a username and password and allowing the user to reset via email. It’s been discussed here a few times.

You have zero control over how their email is handled - and you're providing a way to login, no questions asked, with just access to their email.

The usual "argument" about email resets is irrelevant - a password reset (a) doesn't have to be fully automated, (b) doesn't grant invisible access to an attacker (c) should leave an obvious audit trail

And 30 minutes is acceptable...?

Don't ACH and wire transfers take at least a day? And as a disclaimer I'm not for or against either coin.

In the EU, since November 2017, wire transfers take 15 seconds (Disclaimer: some banks are still rolling it out).

Welcome to the world of the Single European Payments Area Instant Credit Transfer Scheme.

Ah. I didn't know this. Even in different currencies?

Until 2018, SEPA transactions only clear in EUR, I think from 2018 on there will also be support for other EU currencies.

Very nice.

I spent a lot of money and time before diacovering Transferwise.

Fedwire is AT MOST a day...usually immediate.


Yes? Confirmations in bitcoin were never instant...

Hi, Whats the contact email?

Hi, it is in my profile!

Interesting, can you elaborate?

Which platform/APIs do you use? What language do you program in? Where do you get back testing data from?


The most used one is probable the Interactive Brokers API, I am using python and running the algos from VPS, for books on how to get started and data sources, please check my previous posts... Cheers.

I'm not the original parent but I'm doing the same. I'm using Oanda for forex data and building my platform in Elixir. I'm able to get historical pricing from Oanda for currency pairs so I'm able to eventually backtest that way.


Nearly half a dozen? So five? In four years.

It's still interesting, and I don't suppose many people are searching for it so what's the issue with it being posted again?

Cheque writing software, written in COBOL.

Got the work through a family friend, it's his business. I had to learn COBOL (managed through Visual Studio these days thank god) and have ended up contributing to the main application, converting Microsoft c++ and c# examples into COBOL, e.g Gdi32 printing, windows forms, wpf and so on.

Luckily as it's Managed COBOL and based on .NET you can call classes written in C++/C# so I've been doing that where possible!

Good fun and completely different to my usual line of Web Dev.

This is interesting for me.

Assume you're scraping those other sites (coworker etc) for their space data, and making it searchable in your app.

Have you had any issues with copyright etc? I have a venue finding website and have been toying with the idea of scraping some competitors for data

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