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Same for me. As a sound engineer turned programmer I can not listen to any music as background. My mind instantly jumps into analyzing every sound.

Regarding playing games - I think it’s a completely different experience from working. Music + visuals (videos, psychedelic trips, etc) or music + exploration (games, hiking, etc) is a great combination because the elements enhance each other to make the total experience even more rich and absorbing. Which is, perhaps, not the right state for programming.

That’s an unusual way to summarize Sunny’s life in the context of this ruling. Judging his personal choices as wins/fails while he is being sentenced for a massive financial and medical fraud.

Who cares if he divorced and never remarried?

Did CEO of Enron fail in life because he divorced his first wife?

This definitely does not mean what you think it means. Owning a large car for work doesn’t mean it’s utilized as such. I know people who own trucks and large SUVs for work - but it’s “just in case” not because they need additional space on a daily or even weekly basis.

Agreed. This take is really shallow. Calling Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris Islamophobes is an attempt to shut down the conversation about the shortcomings of Islam, or any other religion in general.

So-called New Atheists are well-known for publicly debating representatives of all major religions, yet for some reason they are not branded as Christianity-phobes.

> Listening to the lovely bells of Winchester, one of our great mediaeval cathedrals. So much nicer than the aggressive-sounding “Allahu Akhbar.” Or is that just my cultural upbringing?

- Dawkins

> Or is that just my cultural upbringing?

- Dawkins

That is just his uncultural upbringing. First lesson in culture: learn to respect other cultures.


What are you talking about?

Atheists are generally far more intelligent than the religious. Something to do with not get caught up in millennial old fairy tales is one, and use of science, reason and logic over lore, superstition and guilt.

This rambling fails to be a description of atheism or a rebutal of it.

you need to get a better education in order to sharpen your reading comprehension skills. your comment doesn't add any value to the discussion and seems to reflect your frustration with your life.

> if A made B and B made C, who made A?

All right. So if god made A, who made god?

you are proving my assertion that people like you are not intelligent--you are functionally normal at best.

So to answer you, i will ask you (in Socratic manner): is time absolute? your question falls apart when there's no time. And time is a function of physical mass. Hence, there is a "time" before time. Got it?

This is time cube level shit.

you are no different; he was a schizophrenic and you are just as paranoid--but only in another direction. There is a difference between healthy skepticism and paranoia. And keep your language clean, not every culture likes using that word yours every five seconds.

How many sides does a day have?

hehehe. my opeeeniooon on your "sides of day" and "time cube" can be best summarized as this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXwRgnZ990I

both are suffering, and it shows.

According to Wikipedia, Meta started exploring crypto as early as 2017. So ending the effort in 2022 after several rebrandings and a huge legal pushback is fairly expected.

I am not sure there is a void in the crypto space that otherwise would have been filled by Novi. Even a more centralized (federated?) coin like that would still inherit major shortcomings of blockchain-based digital currencies.

Also looks like even Meta eventually decided to pivot to a more traditional digital offering “Zuck Bucks”.

Which category? Adobe is not even close to being the leader in the CMS category. WP, Wix, Squarespace, Joomla!, Shopify… how does Adobe fit here?

You can look at the Forrester and Gartner of this world, but for a less subjective and more objective metric you can look at the statistics related to the CMS used by high traffic website [0]. I won't even say Wix, Squarespace, Joomla (is this still a thing?) or Shopify are in the same category of AEM, they missed a lot of the qualification criteria to be considered an enterprise level CMS.

[0] https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-adobeexperiencem...


Wix, Squarespace, and Shopify are Tier 3 CMSs at best.

Drupal, (managed) WordPress, Joomla, Cake, Webflow etc. are Tier2.

AEM, Sitecore, BloomReach, Contentful, Contentstack, etc. are Tier 1

The CMS ecosystem is further segmented into products that are headless, decoupled, hybrid, and monolithic. To complicate things, there is a new type of product called DXP (Digital Experience Platform), which mixes in marketing systems into the stack.

I contested the cancellation fee in PayPal and Adobe didn’t bother to respond, so the case was auto-resolved in my favor.

Since then I switched to PixelmatorPro and it works for all my needs.

What is the dish in this analogy? Plant Earth or Mitt Romney?

> Residential water use has plummeted in the west. Some areas, like vegas, use less water than the 70s, not accounting for population changes.

What's the point of this argument? Vegas population has increased more than 10x since the 70s, why would we not account for population growth when discussing the usage of a limited resource?

I think you misunderstood. Vegas uses less water in total than in the 70s, in spite of the population difference.

Does this include the suburbs of Las Vegas? A quick google search gives a report that the whole state of Nevada as a whole has increased their water use (edit: at least for domestic usage). This is in line with most of the population moving out of city centers as people moved into the suburbs that has happened for the last few decades.[0]

Anyway, the fact that the water use of the state as a whole has increased throws out any suggestion that "here, this one segment of the state has decreased their usage" as if that is a serious argument against the rise of water consumption being an issue.

[0] It's a report with data until 1995 but lucky for us it compares levels with 1970 and it did increase significantly EDIT: sorry, figure 1-3


Can't say about the 1970s, but there's a chart in this article showing that total water usage for southern Nevada has indeed decreased since 2002.


According to that graph 2020 usage is almost identical to 2003. So the only significant drop happened between 2002 and 2003. Not to nitpick, just to emphasize that the missing data from 1970 to 2002 could contain numerous large changes too.

I find this very hard to believe. Do you have any links to official state data?

The drop comes from two critical changes:

1. improvements in domestic water usage arising from changes to in-home fixtures and appliances. Per capita use in cities across the US southwest has dropped by 30% or more over the last few decades.

2. switching over to grey/recycled water usage for a huge chunk of municipal water irrigation (eg. city parks, highway medians etc.). This uses a significant amount of water, and switching to water that has already been used once has a dramatic impact.

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