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didnt harvard also reinstate their need for standarized tests?

that’s pocket change for them. probably just file it under DEI budget for supporting a female founder

feels like we just allow people to get away with fraud for like a decade before doing anything about it.

Agree with this but its less about unions and more about resetting the empoloyer/employee dynamic after a period of time the employees clearly had an upperhand. they are tired of allowing flexible work and giving 2 yoe people 300k. they want power back.

its not about evil-y stroking a cat, or meeting in a smoke filled room. its as easy as just reading the moment in time and taking advantage.

remember this company was being hyped alot on twitter the past 2 years as we had supply chain issues. glad i dont just follow the trend.

no. they have specific laid out bounds with which they can operate in. it's deeply dangerous and disturbing for them to try to exceed that. especially because they aren't elected. they don't get to just exceed those bounds and wait for legislature to issue a ruling to roll it back. it's quite the opposite.

its the equivalent of if the tsa started trying to pat you down before you got in your car. and then saying its okay because congress can just roll it back.

too bad people's brains can't process stuff like that. they can only do a single level of "do i agree with the outcome" and not whether or not its actually legal or sets a bad precedent. or god forbid, think what powers that would give their political opponent when they take power.

student debt was another one. whether or not you agree with forgiving it, it's deeply disturbing for the president to knowingly do something unconstitutional and do an endrun around congress' power of the purse. With the hope that no one has standing to challenge it

the problem is you are limited in how many calories you can consume. so any unhealthy crap crowds out nutrient rich stuff

if you have a deadly allergy like that, is eating at small restaurants really worth risking your life?

Try saying no to eating out for 6 months every time and see how it feels. Every time your buddy wants a beer, your sisters birthday, after work celebration dinner for a late evening.

You don't understand, it's not necessarily as simple as "if I eat out, I die." there are manageable risks with probabilities weighted against being alone again and missing out

Try not being able to afford eating out.

do they also get tuition wavers? 34k + free 20k tuition aint bad as a student

Yes but it's not guaranteed every quarter at a UC school.

At least in my department, you have to re-apply on a quarter-basis for TA positions, which are generally highly sought after for its material compensation (no tuition, fee remission, and a small stipend). For research positions, contingent on you being able to 1) produce results, 2) the duration that the research proposal runs. Unless you're a PhD student/PostDoc/PI with a compelling research narrative that is novel and impactful, it can be hard to land grants (many individuals from many schools each competing for the same dwindling pool of funds).

So I completely understand young people striking for more benefits, but truly, it has to come out of the university administrations' pockets. Professors and PIs are like cash strapped entrepreneurs who have no way of raising additional funds for students unless they leverage industry connections. EDIT: I don't have any visibility on the "under-the-table" finances of PIs and professors, however.

If you're a PhD student, you're probably only taking classes for around 2 years out of your 5-6 years there.

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