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At the same price tag and with the same taste and colour?

More or less. It’s hard to compare as the tax environment is completely different and distribution is a huge part of the cost. Skittles are priced as other candies here.

>obviously staff would recognize him

I think it's probable that they wouldn't.

In the bay area, where "oh god, corporate is in the building" is a way of life and common thing you bet they would.

Outside the bay area, eh, 50/50, you're right.

100% chance that the regional corporate staff gets notice this is happening and goes on a panicked 48-hour cleanup drill to make sure the store is spotless for the incoming exec and make sure the grumpier members of staff are given the weekend off.

Once again, outside the bay area: absolutely true.

In the bay area though, that was just Thursday. No warning, could and did happen any time.

The difference was incredibly stark. I wonder if that's true for Starbucks in Seattle.

Reminds me when I was a bank teller - the area manager would come into our branch sometimes trying to like disguise himself...? But it was always SO obvious after about 10 seconds that it was him while he'd sit in the lobby and observe.

It was also impressive how fast word would go down the teller line that "corporate" was in the branch and everyone would sort of shape up for the hour they were around.

"How did this make it into production" is what I've felt every time I've had to use metro apps since Windows 8 was released.

People say it's NOT unique to Windows Snipping Tool but other tools that use this workflow for pngs as well.

Only if they use UWP, which is still somewhat rare, due to Win32 having loads more features and less bugs.

It's not a false dichotomy. You can't have an office work culture if most people choose not to go to the office.

Didn't I just talk about the hybrid alternative as the third leg of the actual dichotomy? You might still have the opinion that the office culture won't be the same and maybe not as good, and you're entitled to that. I would have to think about what I think about office cultures to have an opinion on it.

The either/ or dichotomy is still false, however.

>What I'm worried about is a lot of the talk about guarding models, public safety and misuse of models will end up leading every big company to pull public access of their APIs.

Look at how Facebook closed down their APIs when Cambridge-Analytica occurred.

Literally any difference between men and women can be explained by BPD.

Chrome will still be faster even if ublock doesn't block as much as FF does. In fact the new declarative filters will most likely be faster than the current ones.

In the same way that a car is faster if you make it lighter by removing parts that aren't technically needed to drive down the road :) Airbags, ABS, Crossmembers? Meh.

How much faster does it need to be? I have some complaints about FF, but not on the account of speed. I don't care about microbenchmarks, for me it works fast enough to not notice any lag.

Besides, I really don't care how fast it it when displaying ads and tracking me. I'd prefer not to see them, thank you very much.

Gmail was so much better than the competition... in fact, it still is.

Bard, on the other hand...

Sure, when it launched. But in 2023? I don't think there is a single feature that makes Gmail that special anymore. I would have preferred Outlook over Gmail these days anytime.

Yeah? If they don't know how to operate a computer then they shouldn't be operating one. The same I would feel if someone without a licence crashed their car.

Using the web while being unfamiliar with Javascript is not analogous to driving without a license. It's closer to driving without being a mechanic.

But when my mechanic tells me that the grinding noise while braking means I need to have the brakes fixed doesn't excuse me from continuing to drive without fixing the brakes and it doesn't really magically get fixed by turning up the radio until the noise goes away. To further your comparison, devs would be the mechanics, and devs have been screaming that operating browsers without blockers is similar to not getting the squeaking noises fixed. Everyone just keeps turning up the volume until the underlying noise goes away.

That would require coordination from the ad delivery networks.

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