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This strategy makes sense for a large TAM. But if you are attacking quite a small niche. You don’t want half your market on some grandfathered deal that doesn’t make any money. Maybe the niches I think about are too small.

Yep, good point. A considerably large TAM is definintely an important factor of this strategy.

For outsiders like me that didn’t understand this message at first glance, TAM means total addressable market. Basically the number of potential discrete customers of your product.

Learning that helped me understand this message and I think it’s a good point.

Exactly. I'm using gpt4 more than copilot as of today. I just keep adding more info and get it to write the code that I cp.

I ask it to write it in small chuncks but in the same context. I sometimes have to remind it to refer back to decisions we made earlier.


-- ok I watched the start of the video. He says the claim is ridiculous which makes sense.

Ardurover discourse and Endless sphere could be worth checking out. I've built a Ardurover rig many years ago for a bit of fun (https://agmapsonline.wordpress.com/2013/06/18/autonomous-veh...)

I have fun researching building something bigger in my spare time.

> Huffman explains the strategy in a video for Udacity, an online education service.

The Udacity web development course was my introduction to coding. It blew my mind. He was a good teacher.

I used Windows server 2022 for first time today on a vps. It's what I imagine we all want windows to be. Just simple Windows 10ish ui without all the fluff. I imagine its very stable too given its for servers. Reminds me of Windows 2000 I ran on my Pentium 2. Does anyone just use Windows sever 2022 on their desktop? Why not?

The equivalent OS for desktops is the Windows 11 Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) release, which is what you described but with desktop pricing and a few minor differences.

I once used an older LTSC version for a virtual desktop fleet because it’s a lot better behaved at scale. You don’t want to use a “normal” release because Microsoft will randomly push a critical 4 gigabyte update… to Minecraft. When 60K VMs update at once on a single SAN array, it’s not pretty.

That, or Microsoft will randomly decide to install TikTok by default on virtual desktops used from terminals in operating theatres.

I had a Microsoft consultant review our system and I swear his report said “we don’t recommend LTSC, you should use Current Branch” at least fifteen times.

That’s when I realised that there was some serious KPI pressure within Microsoft to get users onto the full-telemetry, riddled-with-ads version.

Wait, they released the windows 11 LTSC?! or was that a typo? Because I actually really like windows 11 as an OS, I just hate the stuff that comes with the pro version (ads, weird update patterns, driver updates that override your manually installed drivers...). Windows 11 LTSC would be awesome, but from what I read on the Windows blogs, Microsoft doesn't seem to like the whole concept of an LTSC release anymore.

Microsoft likes to delay LTSC availability longer and longer in a futile attempt to wean customers off it. They just don't understand why not everybody likes to take the abuse they dish out.

Well there you go. News to me.

> Just simple Windows 10ish ui without all the fluff.

Windows 10 UI is far more confusing than Windows 7, with the new and old configuration dialogs.

Windows 7 was the last Windows UI I didn't hate. With the exception of Task Manager, which was seriously spiffed up, there's very little about Windows 10 that I prefer over Windows 7, and a whole lot that's objectively worse.

> Windows 10 UI is far more confusing than Windows 7

I don't care much, I just want good old Windows I am familiar with. For any but a very non-complex system, a revamped UI always feeld more confusing if you are an experienced user already.

> with the new and old configuration dialogs.

I just love the old and dread the day they will be removed.

I have a friend that runs it on his gaming rig.

I agree. It's just wrong. It's not lying.

Hugo with the Docsy theme.

I reckon there is space for a drop in replacement ui for Angular and Ionic that respects screen real estate and users ability to interep a more dense set of information. Less padding etc. I'd pay for it. Or there could just be a few small modifications to make what is there more workable.


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