unless you accepted an invalid https certified popup, its not possible, even on public wifi.
or maybe you still type: http:// instead of https://, and then is easy to fake a dns response to point to a clone site
Ironically because MITM attacks for corporate security are that common, a lot of developer tools are configured to just ignore TLS checks instead of importing the correct root certificate.
In case of an unsecured WiFi connection this is of course much more dangerous even.
There are whole swathes of developers these days who don't even know what a network stack is, much less understand how HTTPS works. I expect these people were gumming up the bug trackers so they dumbed down the dev tools.
Fwiw, though, when I used Python behind a corporate proxy some 5-6 years ago nothing was configured to ignore the HTTPS warnings.
I think developers are especially at risk, because we all think we know the risks and can manage them better... yeah, right lol.
It's like how doctors and nurses are notoriously bad at getting their own health checkups. They're experts, they know better!
Pfft. How many of us actually spend time (and have the knowledge for) auditing the security of our OS, cert chains, HTTPS setup, etc.? I've seen experienced senior devs share private keys over Slack for the whole team to reuse, manually disable HTTPS checks with a comment like "too much trouble", etc. It's pretty scary.
I was amused by a prompt I received from Android Studio, requesting permissions to turn off anti-virus scanning for development directories. Which, of course, speeds up compile time dramatically (4 or 5x faster? A seriously non-trivial amount). Development directories, and SDK directories (including SDK binaries).
No more anti-virus protection for the directories that you as a developer should be most concerned about. What could possibly go wrong?
I'd be more concerned if I hadn't already done that, I suppose. Because compiles run so much faster when you do. But I was amused, nonetheless. :-/
I'm not certain that's true if you look at TCO. Yes, you can probably buy a server for less than the yearly rent on the equivalent EC2 instance. But then you've got to put that server somewhere, with reliable power and probably redundant Internet connections. You have to pay someone's salary to set it up and load it to the point that a user can SSH in and configure it. You have to maintain an inventory of spares, and pay someone to swap it out if it breaks. You have to pay to put its backups somewhere.
Yeah, you can skip a lot of that if your goal is to get a server online as cheaply as possible, reliability be damned. As soon as you start caring about keeping it in a business-ready state, costs start to skyrocket.
I've worn the sysadmin hat. If AWS burned down, I'd be ready and willing to recreate the important parts locally so that my company could stay in business. But wow, would they ever be in for some sticker shock.
> But then you've got to put that server somewhere, with reliable power and probably redundant Internet connections. You have to pay someone's salary to set it up and load it to the point that a user can SSH in and configure it. You have to maintain an inventory of spares, and pay someone to swap it out if it breaks.
There's a middle-ground between cloud and colocation. There are plenty of providers such as OVH, Hetzner, Equinix, etc which will do all of the above for you.
At least in the workstation segment cloud doesn't compete. We use Threadrippers + A6000 GPUs at work. Getting the equivalent datacenter-type GPUs and EPYC processors is more expensive, even after accounting for IT and utilization.
Sigh. This old trope from ancient history in internet time.
> Yes, you can probably buy a server for less than the yearly rent on the equivalent EC2 instance.
Or a monthly bill... I can oft times buy a higher performing server for the cost of a rental for a single month.
> But then you've got to put that server somewhere, with reliable power and probably redundant Internet connections
The power problem is a lot lower with modern systems because they can use a lot less of it per unit of compute/memory/disk performance. Idle power has improved a lot too. You don't need 700 watts of server power anymore for a 2 socket 8 core monster that is outclassed by a modern $400 mini-pc that maxes out at 45 watts.
You can buy server rack batteries now in a modern chemistry that'll go 20 years with zero maintenance. 4U sized 5kwh cost 1000-1500. EVs have pushed battery cost down a LOT. How much do you really need? Do you even need a generator if your battery just carries the day? Even if your power reliability totally sucks?
Never been easier to buy network transfer. Fiber is available in many places, even cable speeds are well beyond the past, and there's starlink if you want to be fully resistant to local power issues. Sure, get two vendors for redundancy. Then you can hit cloud-style uptimes out of your closet.
Overlay networks like tailscale make the networking issues within the reach of almost anyone.
> Yeah, you can skip a lot of that if your goal is to get a server online as cheaply as possible, reliability be damned
Google cut it's teeth with cheap consumer class white box computers when "best practice" of the day was to buy expensive server class hardware. It's a tried and true method of bootstrapping.
> You have to maintain an inventory of spares, and pay someone to swap it out if it breaks. You have to pay to put its backups somewhere.
Have you seen the size of M.2 sticks? Memory sticks? They aren't very big... I happened to like opening up systems and actually touching the hardware I use.
But yeah, if you just can't make it work or be bothered in the modern era of computing. Then stick with the cloud and the 10-100x premium they charge for their services.
> I've worn the sysadmin hat. If AWS burned down, I'd be ready and willing to recreate the important parts locally so that my company could stay in business. But wow, would they ever be in for some sticker shock.
Nice. But I don't think it cost as much as you think. If you run apps on the stuff you rent and then compare it to your own hardware, it's night and day.
a long time ago i build a project like that
but instead of relying on whois. i did a traceroute to every ipv4 address avaliable.
several router hops, have a reverse dns that uses some names that include city codes, (like airport codes ).
most providers have a single hop for a city. so its easy to correlate the latest router hop to a city.
Be careful when doing this. If left unchecked this could very easily start a fire. I did this with an old Nexus 5 and it only took a couple of days before I had a spicy pillow.
Although, this probably works well for a device with a removable battery and that can be powered by USB alone.
If the hardware and software are designed and tested for it, then yes.
Otherwise you may run into various issues caused by phone self-limiting power it takes from USB port. Some kind of negotiation needs to happen before the phone can safely raise the input power limits. If it needs more than currently allowed, it will just poweroff immediately, instead of satisfying the excess need from the battery.
Or a timer switch. Christmas lights 6 hours on 18 off power timer switch. Or a smart switch. Also make sure there is no cushy things like pillow or clothes or stuff around phone.
For this scenario I'd like to buy a device powered by POE, with USB-Eth, some free USB-Ports with PPPC, and some contraption, that goes through a hole in the back of the phone to the battery connector inside.
I had assembled something like that for my old SGS2 alarm clock out of a POE-5V splitter, an USB otg adapter, an Uhubctl-compatible USB-HUB powered by the POE-Splitter, and assorted cabling including a lead to the internal battery terminal with the top bar of an old battery (It contains some electronics). UGLY. Does anybody know a pre-made device like that?
How does this comment come up whenever IP cameras or dash cams are mentioned?
You certainly "can use a old phone as a webcam" and it will be "better quality". That's because it's a device designed to view commercial media, text, etc from your hand while mobile, connected to a network 24/7.
As an analogy, you have a 40 year old Ferrari in pristine condition that really doesn't have much work value, but still a fast classic car. also you daily drive a 5 year old cheap truck. if your daily breaks down, would you replace it with your Ferrari which is certainly "faster" and better quality?
there is a ton of devices that do that on amazon. here ( Brazil/beach ) i get only 300-400 ppm, ps: i dont use gas to Cook/shower. everything is elétric
i was BANNED from hetzner when i forgot to Pay ( it has been almost 10 years ).at the time i offer to Pay any debts, but they said that i was not welcome anymore.
They also banned me because I forgot to pay one month ( and my contact email was one that I didn’t use anymore ). After a year I tried to resubscribe and they denied me, ( I offered to pay any debt , but they refuse )
Hetzner never banned me but they demanded a lot of info at sign-up like a photo of my ID which contains sensitive info like my social security number. Can be used for identity theft.
I blanked that out and they didn't accept it until I showed them the national police website where they showed how to do this and recommended to always do that.
I only used them for a while, eventually I mixed to scaleway which was cheaper and doesn't need any invasive info. I've been a happy customer there for years. I even run an IRC bouncer there without any issues, which many such providers specifically forbid (eg OVH)
one mistake in my logs, and my account was due > 10k us$. until a manager contact-me after a month.
It appears to be a method to force a "sales" call.
A simple indicator of how much you are due ( daily ) would solve this kind of problem. ( google/reddit shows that this kind of problem happens all the time in the last 2 years )
Have you written about this anywhere? I'm sure TimescaleDB would love to signal boost that post, and I separately would love to read about how you have it set up and the nitty gritty of the setup.
How are you dealing with backups/WAL and general DB administration? Are you using Timescale Cloud?
Not OP but I run a Timescale instance with the same order of magnitude inserts/sec and have been running it for about 2 years now. The database is closing in on 1 TB on disk. We don't use Timescale Cloud, we just host it on a VM in Google cloud with 8 CPU's and 32 gigs of ram, which seems adequate for now. We do WAL backup using the WAL-G tool which backs the db up to google storage.
Thanks so much for this. 2 years at that insert speed only being about 1TB of data is fantastic.
I've also had many discussions on backups (Barman, backrest, Wal-E/G) etc and always feel like I have to look it up afresh every time to get myself back up to speed on which one I should be using.
Ya the backup solutions are complicated. I don't even remember the differences between those different tools. All I remember is that I spent about a day researching the tools and determined that Wal-G was the best one to use for our use case.
Thanks for going into the nitty gritty, super helpful to know what your setup is like.
In the I’ve had terrible experiences with on-demand IOPS but now I feel like even 1000 provisioned (the least you can get) is too much for the workload I was running… the app was mostly idle but had bursts that would overwhelm