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let's see your side projects then, no?

All my (full, not side) projects are opensource (from the 1st commit). But this is a throw-away account.

> But this is a throw-away account.

Oh the irony. What are you hiding?

My company is in stealth mode.

"It would culminate the ancient human quest for knowledge, which began when the first of our ancestors asked, "Why?""

I'm always baffled when I read these kind of quotes, especially coming from such smart people. Do they just forget that our theories are models of reality? I personally believe that there are no wave functions or vibrating membranes out there, as there are no "triangles". These are just names for our mental models on which we map reality the best we can. Fitting models are very useful, but they certainly don't answer the big "Why?" and are doomed to be superseded by more accurate ones, when progress is made. Is it just me thinking this?

It’s a controversial topic in the philosophy of science. Your position is called anti-realism and has decent support but there’s no clear consensus either way.

>> "It would culminate the ancient human quest for knowledge, which began when the first of our ancestors asked, "Why?""

> I'm always baffled when I read these kind of quotes, especially coming from such smart people. Do they just forget that our theories are models of reality?

Some people have a relationship with "science" that bears a strong resemblance relationship some other people have with various religions and/or religious concepts. I get a strong vibe of that from the quote you cited.

> Is it just me thinking this?

No, it isn't. I agree and generally think of science is basically a kind tool-making activity. Mathematical wrenches, so to speak.

Suppose we are able to formulate a very neat, parsimonious mathematical model and it happens to extremely accurately describe every physical phenomenon, so accurately that we cannot find even the tiniest violation. Now, that does not mean the model is 'correct', it might be that we have just not measured precisely enough to detect its failures. But there does seem to be a mysterious tendency for very neat mathematical models to very accurately describe physics, and so maybe it is not unreasonable to conclude that this model is at least probably true (i.e., that it is never violated). Would this not then tell us something pretty profound? Even if the way we understand the math (in terms of ideal shapes, in terms of symbols) is inherently human, we would still have possibly discovered a full description of the behavior of the universe, and even if that in itself doesn't tell us why the universe exists or what it is, it would surely help us to answer those questions.

> "It would culminate the ancient human quest for knowledge, which began when the first of our ancestors asked, "Why?""

This is historical nonsense. There's an interesting book called Curiosity by Philip Ball that looks at the history of curiosity going from being a vice to being an epistemic virtue.

Your perspective is a popular one, but a lot of people also think there is a "true" theory that will perfectly explain how the universe evolves.

>a lot of people also think there is a "true" theory that will perfectly explain how the universe evolves

Doesn't Godel's incompleteness theorems make this doubtful? Logic was not my area of focus but I thought the basic idea was that there is always going to be some un-answerable question(s) or un-provable answers in any consistent theory[1]? I'm pretty sure there is not significant work using non-axiomatic math, I'm honestly not even sure what that looks like. I'd actually be quite interested to find out about some theoretical physics work that did not fall under the auspices of the incompleteness theorem.

[1] There are certainly caveats to "theory" but I believe all those caveats are satisfied by any version of String Theory be actively researched.

No, for instance you can perfectly describe the rules of Conway's Game of Life, and if you were an artificial intelligence living in the Game of Life you could presumably figure out the rules quite easily through experimentation. You wouldn't be able to prove those are the rules though, you'd have to make some assumptions that the rules didn't change in space and time, and that they weren't a manifestation of some more complex rules.

> you can perfectly describe the rules of Conway's Game of Life, and if you were an artificial intelligence living in the Game of Life you could presumably figure out the rules quite easily

I'm not so sure about this. It reminds me of the quote "If our brains were simple enough for us to understand them, we'd be so simple that we couldn't".

Conway's Game of Life is Turing complete, so if it is possible to build an artificial intelligence in a regular computer then it is possible to build one within the Game of Life. Also, understanding the basic rules of the game of life is not the same as understanding how an artificial intelligence within it functions. The rules that determine how patterns of pixels change in the game can be written down on a single sheet of paper, a description of an artificial intelligence built within the game would probably be absurdly complex.


I asked multiple questions, I'm not sure which one you are responding to.

Presburger arithmetic is a decidable theory. "This means it is possible to algorithmically determine, for any sentence in the language of Presburger arithmetic, whether that sentence is provable from the axioms of Presburger arithmetic."

If you don't understand what the incompleteness theorems say, be wary of citing them.

Not sure why I should be "wary." I was asking a question. If one should be wary of asking questions about something how could they ever learn?

Sorry, yes, good point


I wasn’t suggesting that they would. I was warning against over-application/interpretation by giving an example of something one might not expect if one interprets the theorems too broadly.

In the context of the incompleteness theorem a 'theory' consists of a formal language to describe theorems, some primitive axioms and some rules that can be used to prove theorems from the axioms. Godel's incompleteness theorem states (loosely speaking) that if a theory is rich enough to describe the arithmetic of the natural numbers, is consistent and is 'effectively axiomatized', then there are statements that can be expressed within the theory and that are true, but that cannot be proven using the rules of deduction in the theory. In short, this is a totally different meaning of the word 'theory' to the one you are thinking of.

Sure, I'm not saying the "theory" in String Theory is the same "theory" in the incompleteness theorems but is there any mathematics or logic that are employed by string theorists that do not fall under the auspices of the incompleteness theorems?

A lot of people think that but a lot of people think that at any given time in human history.

There will - let there be no doubt - be a final theory of physics (Humanity will end at some point), but determining whether that theory is truly "perfect" is probably impossible within the bounds of measurements known to us at the moment.

Models (mental or not) work by analogy, and analogies can be very convincing in general and in answering the question “why” in particular. That is all that is normally needed; unfortunately, some people are hard to satisfy.

The human quest for knowledge started which "how...?"

> here are no wave functions or vibrating membranes out there, as there are no "triangles".

I wish you'd added "There is no spoon" here. Opportunity missed.

Haha, indeed, missed opportunity :)

I think there's often an underlying confusion between different tools and what they are supposed to do.

An ORM - as the acronym says - is helpful to map database records to objects in the system. The meaning of the acronym already says that an ORM is not really designed for scenarios like aggregations and reporting. Within those contexts, you don't normally reason in terms of list of "objects" and "relationships" between them.

A "SQL builder" gives you a nice programming interface to build and manipulate SQL statements. Manually building complicated SQL strings is tedious, error prone and it makes it hard to reuse the same queries. With a SQL builder instead you can easily add dynamic conditions, joins etc, based on the logic of your application. Think of building a filterable Rest API that needs to support custom fields and operators passed through the URL querystring: concatenating strings would be hard to scale in terms of complexity. Some people prefers to use templates instead of SQL builder to add conditions, dynamic values, select fields etc. I personally find that this approach is like a crippled version of a proper SQL builder interface. I prefer to use the expressiveness of a real programming language instead of some (awkward?) template engine syntax.

I think the confusion between these two different tools is caused by the fact that in some popular frameworks as Django or Rails you just get to use the ORM, even if behind the scenes the ORM uses some internal query builder.

Other ORMs like SQLAlchemy instead gives you both tools. You can indeed use SQLAlchemy as a ORM and you can also use it directly as a SQL builder when the ORM abstraction doesn't really work.

Normally, if someone tells me that it's better to write SQL queries by concatenating strings, I'd ask them how they'd build a webpage that filters products in the catalog with a series of filters specified by the user (by price, by title, by reviews, sorting, etc.). Try and build that concatenating raw SQL bits, without making a huge mess.

Also, the "just learn SQL" may apply to ORMs, but certainly not to a SQL builder.

Query builders can be so good at making it easy to work with the database ... the popularity of ORMs over query builders is a really big collective reasoning failure in my opinion.

With a good query builder in hand - it is very unclear to me why anyone would ever want to use an orm.

I like query builders but if everything were done with query builders there'd still be an awful lot of DRY pertaining to business logic that needs to go somewhere. Maybe you replace the ORM with some sort of 'results act as <something>' abstraction, but things like that often work out much better with consistent scaffolding of some sort, which is mostly what successful ORMs seem to be.

This is why I love Sqlalchemy. We use it as half orm, half query builder and it’s pretty great.

How's that modified modernizerjs script ended up in there? I mean, it must have been included directly from the BA website? I also wonder how can BA be so sure about the dates this was stealing payment data, since this was apparently a frontend attack. Maybe they somehow know when that js script had been modified?

Are they using some implementation of the Ethereum light client protocol? Last time I checked it wasn't available yet: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Light-client-protocol

If they are using the standard protocol then how do they connect to the Ethereum network? Do they use their servers as proxy to the network? Because if it's so, that would defeat the whole point to me.

No, they're not using the Light Client yet for that very reason, but easily could in the future. But in any case, no crypto wallets are light clients. All Bitcoin wallets, for example, use servers because it's impossible to do Bitcoin light clients (at least, they haven't found a solution yet).

This app is more about having WeChat with crypto payments and with app interactions. Light client could come later though.

> All Bitcoin wallets, for example, use servers because it's impossible to do Bitcoin light clients (at least, they haven't found a solution yet).

No, SPV clients exist to avoid running a node: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/4649/what-is-an-...

No true light client exists. SPV is different. See here a Core dev talking about it.


Even your own links says "A Bitcoin implementation that does not verify everything, but instead relies on either connecting to a trusted node"

It verifies enough information to be secure. It is obvious that at one point they need to connect to some node because this ia the way blockcgain works.

Ok sure, connect to another node. But a light client is its own node.

That doesn't exist per definition. You cannot have a light client that its own node and it is not the node defined in the specific blockchain. The bitcoin innovation was about using a common ledger for every node and the nodes must run specific code to check that the blockchain state is the correct one.

If you find a way a node can do less work that what is doing now without relying on another node you would discover something new at the computer science level, so this light node will transform into the definition of a node.

SPV client security is enough for numerous use cases and many call them "light clients".

So for now the Ethereum promise to have a distributed network where I don't need to trust any man in the middle is really not possible yet on mobile devices?

In theory, you could run a private client on DigitalOcean and then connect to that. Apart from that, true light clients are coming [1]. Particularly interesting is this comment by the ethereum light client developer: [2] "Can't promise anything yet but we're not that far from real trustless O(1) light client syncing."

[2] https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/5x27ss/after_metr... They may even

[1] https://blog.ethereum.org/2017/01/07/introduction-light-clie...

> All Bitcoin wallets, for example, use servers because it's impossible to do Bitcoin light clients (at least, they haven't found a solution yet).

This is totally false. So called SPV clients have been available since 2011 I think. Where the hell did you get this information? Just curious.

Examples of lite bitcoin clients include (but not limited to) breadwallet, bitcoin wallet for android (Schildbach), multibit, bittiraha-walletd etc.

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