i survived. the greatest piece of advice i took from the community was to calm the hell down. i am certain when i crafted this submission that i was in the middle of a panic attack and just let myself be consumed. Monday came, and my boss was there remotely with me. I am not sure why i let myself believe he wouldn't be, or that i was supposed to carry this cross all by my lonesome. a couple errors occured with a few custom reports, but i was able to troubleshoot!
so, in all honesty, i may have written up and pleaded for help a bit too hastily but what i received back from the community i will never forget. it has been a long time since i have felt comfortable putting myself back out there on the web and for me to make this desperate-sounding post and to receive the support i did is, quite frankly, crazy to me. i thank you all from the bottom of my heart. sounds sappy but true.
Also a positive note, the carbon fiber wings bent 3x expected max
>bent the jet’s giant carbon composite wings upward more than 28 feet from their resting position. That’s far beyond the expected maximum deflection in normal flight of about 9 feet
>All this simulated the loads in a flight maneuver where a pilot would experience a force of 3.75 G, compared to the maximum of 1.3 G in normal flight
>All this simulated the loads in a flight maneuver where a pilot would experience a force of 3.75 G, compared to the maximum of 1.3 G in normal flight
The reason fuse has an "expiration date" set by the amount of pressure cycles is because aluminium breaks more due to microcracks and other metallurgical fatigues, than due to ductile failure.
A composite lined fuse could've extended the life of an average airplane long beyond its moral obsolescence, and for this reason airplane makers are afraid adopting it.
What is "moral obsolescence"? If you mean "normal obsolescence", planes are used for a long time, so what would draw the line between normal lifespan and excessive?