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I see there are cheap indoor wall clocks that are syncd with WWVB. But can't find anything that use gps instead. I am wondering why? Are the receivers too power hungry or the signals just too weak? I'd think going with a gps time sync would be a more future proof design.

For those of us that are visual or audio learners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0CWj9DwRBY

Wow, added to wish list!

I hate those so much...

We didn't get the briefcase either. But one officer did bring his K9. Which then tried to bite my classmate during the "come up here and pet it" session.

Kind of like knots...

Pulleys and knots can go hand in hand.

With ropes you can start with a basic loop that acts as a pulley. Butterfly, wireman's loop, farmers something - I forget the names.

But you basically create a loop that let's you double back your rope. With a lot of modern rope they are slippery enough you get pretty good mechanical advantage. Some folks then go to a taught line hitch or something to even keep things adjustable basically. Key is usually to give yourself enough space to tighten, and I skip the taughtline hitch in most cases.

Well, this is a lot.....

Ok, how do I download it and use it though???

>Given that video is 7.5 hours start to finish,


Timestamp in the videos: 21:03-4:33 => 7.5hrs

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