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Does anyone know of ways to expand this towards 3D paths with consistent screen-space stroke width?

Much simpler than the paper, but I have a 3D screen space implementation here[1].

[1] https://mattdesl.svbtle.com/drawing-lines-is-hard

I love this page. Thank you. I bookmarked it in 2018 but still haven't used it, doh!

https://wwwtyro.net/2019/11/18/instanced-lines.html is also nice.

Look at the quadratic bezier fragment shader in https://hhoppe.com/proj/ravg/ might generalize well zo 3d.

One more comment as this is a tech website:

‘Meanwhile technologist Kevin Kelly praised it for "alter[ing] my thinking about life, the universe, and everything."’


Love this ‘self-help’ book to reframe where you might need to compete for profit or where it can be competitive/play for fun.

But more importantly to interpret the competitive behavior of others and identify where its not even necessary to compete at all. Because you can choose to play a different level of game than those around you. (Hint: its usually people playing too small finite win/lose games that you’d like to not engage with wherever possible)

Played around with this in my soon-to-be previous health-tech job and its great.

Actually the entire hl7-fhir ( https://www.hl7.org/fhir/ ) standard seems to me quite solid. It would be wonderful if a new cohort of start-ups would leverage it to drastically improve the digital UX of healthcare generally.

That would be great except that the 8,000 lb gorillas of the medical data industry, at least as of a year or two ago, did next to nothing to really make their EHR's FHIR-compatible. Getting even some of the very basics on their demo environments were fundamentally broken.

Yeah so many cards stacked against potential start-ups who could potentially bring some quality to the industry :/ Curious to see though that Google cloud / AWS etc are building fhir store APIs.

How did you like the health-tech industry? It is something I have been considering but have heard mostly negative opinions.

Love what the team over there does with these web demos. They previously made this amazing interactive synthesizer learning resource: https://learningsynths.ableton.com/

This one is also so good!

Also a bit disappointed in the article that it doesn’t connect the dots between WIAM and CIAM for B2B. One companies customer is another companies workforce.

Many of the apps you want to have for your workforce are actually third party, but you want to give SSO etc with an employee account. These saas apps need to not only provide CIAM ala “sign in with google” but allow the Customer to set up the connection with the WIAM to give employees access.

Thanks for the comments! Will try to address them in the near future, tracking here: https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-site/issues/2170

Daily user and posts growth graph based on the previously posted data dump: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35845504

Interesting contrast to have both

“Mastodon is doomed?”



“mastodon has already won”

On the front page

Its got people's attention. Both techies and heavy users of social media are aware of it, and maybe experiment with it. That is in essence the major win. Its no longer obscure.

In the reactions you can see all the typical traits of a new thing that comes to shake up a stagnant status quo. From naive excitement to cynical disbelief.

When somethig is doomed and wins at the same time you could say its a time of high drama.

Not bad for single person's work...

I already grabbed a screenshot of that for the hilarity.

Then again, people usually post submissions on the same topic in response to a highly ranked submission. It’s not random.


I've been on HN for more than a decade, and it's definitely a thing. I've even done it myself.

I've been on HN for more than a decade, and it's definitely a not thing. I've never even done it myself.

OPs admit to it all the time in the comments.

It's a personal observation.

"Mastodon is doomed" is a good article, stupid title.

This article is garbage.

Agreed, the critical article does raise some good points that these more decentralized/fedarated/self-hosted/self-custody protocols need to incorporate in their designs at some point of they really want to scale to challenge the current status quo of social media.

It won because now we know people are at least talking about it.

we know nerds are talking about it at least

This resp has very chatgpt tone of voice…

Not sure if I should be insulted or not.

For reference, here is what happens when I ask ChatGPT for a pina colada recipe in a conversational tone

Here's what you'll need:

1 1/2 oz of your favorite rum 2 oz of pineapple juice 2 oz of coconut cream 1 cup of crushed ice A slice of pineapple (if you have it) A cherry (if you want to be fancy) And here's what to do:

1. Put all of the ingredients (rum, pineapple juice, coconut cream, and crushed ice) into a blender.

2. Blend everything together until it's nice and smooth.

3. Pour the mixture into a glass.

4. If you want to make it look extra special, put a slice of pineapple on the rim of the glass and add a cherry on top.

5. Sip and enjoy!

If you like your drinks on the sweeter side, you can add some sugar or simple syrup to the blender before you blend everything together. And if you don't have coconut cream, you can use coconut milk instead, but the drink won't be as creamy.


In general, it completely fails at being conversational at all about it!

As an AI assistant I can't comment on posting recipe comments from AI on HN, but here are the steps for doing it:



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