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Advising someone do their own research is a cheap way to circumvent providing any sources.

It’s also confusing. Does that mean they think I didn’t do research? My basic operating model is that we’re all doing our own research all the time and using it to form opinions.

I wasn’t sure if GP was saying they disagree with me, think I didn’t research, think I was relying on someone else’s research, didn’t feel like doing their research, or something else.

Thats quite idealistic

I tend to agree, unfortunately.

Dont worry, google is working hard to make sure that even employees are unable to do anything of that sort. Gather the world's information and make it uniformally unsupported.

Just speculating, but another possibility may be a new kind of business popping up: Google App Store experts who can somehow prevent these problems and/or make them go away.

Similar to Google-SEO consultants, or college-admissions consultants who help rich kids get into universities they normally couldn't.

There is already this service which works to get your Facebook account back:


This is good. It will tie the fates of small time customers/users to the elites, so the situation gets fixed or the business collapses.

I agree. A process that's broken for everyone gets fixed. A process that can be worked around by everyone who has the power to get it changed can stay broken indefinitely.

> A process that's broken for everyone gets fixed. A process that can be worked around by everyone who has the power to get it changed can stay broken indefinitely.

OK, but the only processes that are broken for everyone are processes that are mandatory for everyone. Using a different process is a perfectly workable way to get around a broken process.

Google has many processes that are broken for everyone and don't get fixed. That's why monopolies are bad.

Agreed. The current state is the most awful for the powerless. At least this change evens the playing field a bit so that when $HUGE_CORP gets burned they will raise enough hell to (hopefully) fix the process.

Occasionally this happens, see Epic Games, and then the $HUGER_CORP has their security teams look for spurious "vulnerabilities" and then uses their PR team to have them dragged through the mud, etc.

1150 us cases already. These are just the first oregon ones...

Has anyone tried polishing one and putting it on a necklace? Could be a fashion piece, how does it look when the sun hits it?

That could be what the southeast Asian gold versions are! They don’t have the workmanship of the originals.

Why keep a utility object alongside wealth objects?

How would you use this as a sex toy

Another outsize impact of overreaching quarantine restrictions. Why do we let politicians rather than epidemologists make these decisions?

Precisely because of things like this.

Epidemiologists look only at the pandemic aspect. Politicians should look at the economy, the welfare, the general health, the strategic issues, and more. If you really think that an epidemiologist's response will account for things like mental health of toddlers you are mistaken.

I know that politicians have a bad name today but they are still elected officials who have an incentive (elections) to do what's best for the country as a whole.

Just to clarify- it was epidemiologists who pushed, understandably from their point of view, for the same lockdowns you define overreaching. It was mostly politicians who were the most reluctant to apply them. And the pressure in this direction was mostly from populism (Trump, Bolsonaro...), and from the finance/treasure ministries which feared the economy crisis.

> I know that politicians have a bad name today but they are still elected officials who have an incentive (elections) to do what's best for the country as a whole.

Those aren't the same. The vast majority of politicians will almost always favor short-term "free candy!" decisions that they know will be popular with their base come election time, rather than make difficult decisions that would actually improve the quality of life for their constituents over even the slightly-longer term.

Politician incentives to win elections are not the same as whats best for the country.

The politicians follow the epidemiologists and the modelers etc. On the contrary, we have a case of a lack of politicians courageous enough to say no and lead / convince the people that it is the right thing to do.

Of the podcasts I’ve listened to with scientists and epidemiologists they all say that policy is not their domain. They say we are to provide advice within our domain and keep out of policy.

Possibly there is sampling bias with the podcasts I’m listening to and the people going on them.

> Why do we let politicians rather than epidemiologists make these decisions?

I think you got it exactly backwards. Politicians have successfully scapegoated themselves via epidemiologists (who's first and last consideration is to minimize infections) and people who refuse vaccination (even though the vaccinated are still just as epidemiologically relevant.)

Any public communication is handled by people not machines. No one wants to make an automated status page because theres a shit ton of real noise that users dont need to hear about, nd theres a lot of outages that automation won't accurately catch

I hope that their infra is not that unstable

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