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Such a powerful tool... And thank you for letting us know about this trick.

Do you exclusively use the official Twitter API or do you also perform web scraping? How much did you spend last month for runnig this system?

I only use the official Twitter API.

My last AWS bill is ~$600

What’s the breakdown of that? $600 is 20% of your revenue, and that’s a lot.

It's for EC2, RDS, and bandwidth, mostly evenly contributed.

I‘m running the system at 70% spare capacity.

I'm not worrying too much about the cost as of now because I have some free credits to spend.

Also, it's more rewarding to double my revenue instead of halving my server cost.

> it's more rewarding to double my revenue instead of halving my server cost.

How about cutting that cost to 1/10 of what you’re paying AWS, for a much better server? Since you’re running EC2, I assume you’re able to manage a server. Get a Heztner server and run your db locally:


Run back up hourly if you need to. You do not need AWS, not for what you’re using them for.

I have expiring free credits and I really like RDS Performance Insights :)

I would probably move to somewhere else after the credits run out. Will check out Heyzner then. Thanks for recommending.

Can you provide some resources about the lack of support for joins in sqlc? Because I wasn't able to find in official documentation and actually there's a discussion on github containing queries with join statements: https://github.com/kyleconroy/sqlc/issues/213

Yes, I was about to reply to myself with a link to this issue as I couldn't see anything in official docs unless looking at the github issues.


But it seems like this discussion is about the lack of support for null values in enum types in joins (not joins in general). Am I missing something?

I got it wrong because of lack of documentations and examples in the official documentation. So one would be only aware of the feature if they read the issue tracker which is dumb, joining two entities (or more) is like the first thing you want to do with a database.

From the technical perspective this is a great execution of an idea. But those actions will probably be considered as ad-fraud and web sites will be penalized by ad-networks.

Hi, since someone else mentioned your product's website I looked over it and I'm curious.

As far as I understand students need to install your app and the app requires users to log out and when they log in, it's launched automatically in full screen mode and users cannot escape until they submit their answers.

What if I install your app in a sandboxed environment (like a windows box in a vmware virtual machine)? While the app is in fullscreen mode inside it, I think there would be nothing preventing me from using host machine's functions (like accessing internet via browsers or opening documents). Have you considered these kind of risks?

Google somehow is able to link your newly created account to your personal/regular account. So if you some shady stuff with the new account, your other account is at risk of being locked out, too.

Has anyone gone down an account per side project and not gotten into a problem? And is there a warning before the banning sledge hammer falls

If one told me beforehand that those people from conservative background would do such things on a video and share it with the rest of the world, I'd say you have no idea about Turkish culture. But now I say I had no idea about Turkish culture and what those people are capable of. I literally get shocked every time I watch a tiktok compilation video. I wonder if those are the same people I see in the street everyday.

As the saying goes, 'everyone has a little red under their collar.'

(In the abstracted, skin-tone neutral sense)

Why would getting suspended from Play Store mean the end of a developer's career ? Could you elaborate? Isn't it possible to continue with a new gmail account? Am I missing something here?

edit: spelling

I read multiple stories like that online (I didn't save them but some were published here on HN). As far as the stories go, it looks like Google associates new accounts with the suspended one and suspend them as well. They do this using verification mails, phone numbers and credit card numbers. Google also tells you not to open a new account, and that it will not help you. The OP got such a warning as well, as described in the main article.

It's like an image containing its own SHA2 hash. How is it possible?

Clever use of Javascript.

  <a><script src="https://itty.bitty.site/lzma/lzma_worker-min.js"></script> 
 <script>a=document.querySelector('a');LZMA.compress(a.outerHTML,9,function(r){a.innerText=a.href='https://itty.bitty.site/#/?'+btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null,new Uint8Array(r)))})</script></a>

This makes the whole "Sites contained within their own links" untrue. You need a server to host the javascript.

A quine is more similar to (but not quite the same as) an uncompressed image containing a QR code with a compressed copy of the same image, which has its own challenges; but like, a cryptographic hash function (such as SHA2) is designed explicitly to make this hard... if you had chosen a simple checksum instead it would be trivial to create an image containing the text of a checksum of the image: a compression function (particularly a tiny custom one designed for this one time use, that removes barely any entropy at all) is predictable enough to be manipulated. (edit: I hadn't looked at this one, though; but now that I see its code, apparently it is just cheating by accessing its own code via the DOM; it doesn't need to do that, and it doesn't even really feel like a "quine" to me given this implementation.)

You can create videos on YouTube too that contain it's own URL.

For anyone wondering how is this possible I've made a quick research and the method is in the description part of this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufq2Eb78kSU

In short, Youtube API's resume upload function can be abused to achieve this.

That's exactly what I did, too. :)

Same here!

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