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It’s great to see that Mitmproxy is still being developed - it indirectly made my career.

Back in 2011, I was using it to learn API development by intercepting mobile app requests when I discovered that Airbnb’s API was susceptible to Rails mass assignment (https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/5228). I then used it to modify some benign attributes, reached out to the company, and it landed me an interview. Rest is history.

It's absolutely insane how many core devs argued against change there

To this day it remains incredibly useful to me, and weirdly obscure to people who I would've thought should know better.

Sometimes it's easier to use mitmproxy with an existing implementation than to read the documentation!

> Rest is history


I worked on Turbotax as a co-op back in 2009/10 so things have definitely changed but two things stood out to me. First, there were two “peaks” one around January 19th (when the first wave of W2s goes out) and one around April 15th.

Second, was around the migration from desktop to online. At the time, TurboTax was one of the earliest tax prep products that had a cloud offering. It had done so in a somewhat interesting way. In order to maintain parity between the tax calculations and segregate tax data, they were running an instance of the desktop software for each web user server side. It would then use a Java process to convert the desktop UI to HTML (somewhat IE specific) and output it back to the user. It was very inefficient from the resource side but it made me appreciate how nimble this large company was in adapting to new mediums.

And nimble in lobbying to continue fleecing the American public





I'm in the same camp. I think a lot of these anti-k8s articles are written by software developers who haven't really been exposed to the world of SRE and mostly think in terms of web servers.

A few years ago I joined a startup where everything (including the db) was running on one, not-backed-up, non-reproducible, VM. In the process of "productionizing" I ran into a lot of open questions: How do we handle deploys with potentially updated system dependencies? Where should we store secrets (not the repo)? How do we manage/deploy cronjobs? How do internal services communicate? All things a dedicated SRE team managed in my previous role.

GKE offered a solution to each of those problems while allowing me to still focus on application development. There's definitely been some growing pains (prematurely trying to run our infra on ephemeral nodes) but for the most part, it's provided a solid foundation without much effort.

Exactly, all these articles seem to come from operational novices, who think in terms of 1-2 click solutions. K8s is not a 1-2 click solution, and clearly isn't designed to be; it's solving particular tough operational problems that if you don't know exist in the first place you won't really be able to evaluate these kinds of things properly.

If a group literally doesn't have the need to answer questions like the ones you posed, then OK, don't bother with these tools. But that's all that needs to be said - no need for a new article every week on it.

> it's solving particular tough operational problems that if you don't know exist in the first place

They probably don't exist for the majority of people using it. We are using k8s for when we need to scale, but at the moment we have a handful of customers and it isn't changing quickly any time soon.

They basically exist for everyone.

As soon as you go down the road of actually doing infrastructure-as-code, using (not running) k8s is probably as good as any other solution, and arguably better than most when you grow into anything complex.

Most of the complaints are false equivalence: i.e. running k8s is harder than just using AWS, which I already know. Of course it is. You don't manage AWS. How big do you think their code base is?

If you don't know k8s already, and you're a start-up looking for a niche, maybe now isn't the time to learn k8s, at least not from the business point of view (personal growth, another issue).

But when you do know k8s, it makes a lot of sense to just rent a cluster and put your app there, because when you want to build better tests, it's easy, when you want to do zero trust, it's easy, when you want to integrate with vault, it's easy, when you want to encrypt, it's easy, when you want to add a mesh for tracing, metrics and maybe auth, it's easy.

What's not easy is inheriting a similarly done product that's entirely bespoke.

No the complaint is that we aren't scaling to google levels, in fact we are barely scaling at all. K8s isn't needed.

We ran applications without it fine a few years ago. And it was a lot simpler.


As in, doesn't get hacked or doesn't go down? We live in different worlds.

> Of course it is. You don't manage AWS. How big do you think their code base is?

This seems like a fairly unreasonable comparison. The reason I pay AWS is so that I _do not_ have to manage it. The last thing I want to do is then layer a system on top that I do have to manage.

Remember that not everyone is using an operational model that would benefit from K8s.

Yet, they write articles that prescribe their operational model on the rest of the world.

Problem is hidden assumptions. Happens a lot with microservices too. People write about the problems they're solving somewhat vaguely and other people read it and due to that vagueness think it also is the best solution to their problem.

They are engineers, writing about what they do and what their companies sell. I wouldn't ascribe an "imposition" to that!

As a practitioner or manager, you need to make informed choices. Deploying a technology and spending the company's money on the whim of some developer is an example of immaturity.

> I think a lot of these anti-k8s articles are written by software developers who haven't really been exposed to the world of SRE ...

Think again. There's plenty of SREs at FAANGs that dislike the unnecessary complexity of k8s, docker and most "hip" devops stuff.

From my knowledge, pretty much all FAANGs got their own tooling in place before k8s went public, covering those same issues.

Now imagine you have to do it from scratch.

Are you sure about this? I thought the limit across the board was 10 years.

You can make options expire after 90 days but they lose their IRS protection and have to be treated as income and not capital gains. ISO 90 day limit is an IRS limit.


28s in the promo video.

For anyone looking for a new keyboard with custom key maps, I’d really recommend the Kinesis advantage. I switched to it 8 years ago to fend off carpal tunnel after my old keyboard was bothering my wrists. It was easy to get used to and now whenever I’m on my Macbook’s keyboard, it feels archaic. It’s strange that by default (probably a relic from typewriters) we use our most important digits solely for bashing on the space bar.

It also has built-in key remapping so you don’t need to mess with anything on the OS level.

I grew up in Cleveland and since moving out every city I've lived in has had an issue with gentrification (Boston, NYC, SF, Portland).

While I empathize with the individuals affected, part of me can't help thinking of it as a good problem on the city level. Growing up there were places where the copper piping was more valuable than the houses. Even now there's plenty of properties to buy sub $20k, close to mass transit, farmer's markets, and places like Case Western University.

Maybe some of the affected in Detroit will move down to Cleveland and one day I too will have the luxury of complaining about gentrification.

Shameless plug:

If you're interested in the art market and factors which affect price/value, I work for Arthena (YC W17) and we're hiring for a variety of roles. If you're interested check out https://angel.co/arthena or reach out to me directly: adrian@arthena.com

Hey Adrian, I've recently been looking into this area and stumbled upon your site only several weeks ago. I was wondering if musical instruments would fit into the "art" investment category as well, or is it a separate asset class? Stradivarius/Cremona violins, Steinway pianos, etc. Would rare musical instruments yield similar returns on average?

Not to take away from your point but 0.01% of 164k is ~17.


I didn't want to be a jerk so I decided to look it up. Looks like NYT[1] has the number at 0.6% (probably higher in reality since it's self reported) so that's about 1000 people a day.

Also stats offer little comfort when you're part of that group and it happens to you 100% of the time.


It’s probably lower in reality since it’s phone poll and minorities are probably more likely to participate in polls.

> minorities are probably more likely to participate in polls

on what basis do you believe that to be the case?

Just my humble experience. Any minorities (e. g. people of minor nations, like Icelanders) always try to remind everyone of own existence. Which is not a bad thing, and this is maybe untrue, but this could be an explanation of possible trans-people overrepresentation.

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