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You get more dumb money for a new idea, especially if it's something nuclear.

This only works in geologically inactive regions. It's like Solar Roadways but for nuclear.

> Ever Pharma’s explanation of how the putative peptides in Cerebrolyin cross the blood-brain barrier does not make sense and flies in the face of scientific research which shows that most peptides do not cross the blood-brain barrier

It can be considered a benefit from a manufacturer's pov that their product doesn't work. If it did their customers would smarten up and stop buying it.

Anyway this looks like your typical "traditional" chinese medicine scam. I mean it has something to do with animal brains, of course it works, right?

> It can be considered a benefit from a manufacturer's pov that their product doesn't work. If it did their customers would smarten up and stop buying it.

Even if you are not very smart, doing some tests on yourself seems easy enough. If you pull up any psychology paper on like effecs of CO2 on cognition, and do the tests on yourself, you'd expect to start doing better after a few weeks of taking it, and if not stop. But I think most people that take products to help them improve just go by feel. I read a few nootropics articles back in the day and nobody ever proved any improvement larger than drinking coffee.

With most test, the problem is that after a few weeks you learn to solve them more efficiently [1] and the improvement can be falsely attributed to the nootropics. Double blind randomized controlled trial or it didn't happen.

[1]In the math class, we call it "studding for the midterm" :)

the nootropics community suffers from certain individuals who will retake free online IQ test with only a few days in between to "test" these drugs. It doesn't really work well... For a proper retest one has to wait at least 6 months.

Taking untested drugs is risky because self-testing is unreliable, can lead to serious health problems, and lacks the expert guidance needed to safely assess their effects. Anyone who does this deserves the Darwin award and science CATEGORICALLY advises you to do something else. Those who find medical breakthroughs did not take shortcuts. They are trained and experienced and painstaking.

Do something well tested and proven to work instead and reap the benefits of all of these proven trained professionals. One idea: Acute Sprint Interval Exercise Increases Both Cognitive Functions and Peripheral Neurotrophic Factors in Humans.

I don't take any of this, I think they are just bait for people that want to "be better" without doing work. But what I mean is know many people that do take nootropics or "microdose" mushrooms or whatever and they never test their own cognitive abilities in a standard way before and after they start. It's almost like they don't care if it works.

Even TCM is more scientifically backed than Cerebrolysin. See the research on cordyceps for example.



Or artemisinin, which was discovered by Chinese researchers reviewing TCM texts discussing treatments for malaria. (The lead researcher, Tu Youyou, received a Nobel Prize for her work in 2015.)

Presumably users that inform themselves wouldn't take something that's approximately named "brain dissolvent" anyway.

Who would have thought. Don't believe the hype, especially if you have skin in the game.

What if those holding pens are the rooms?

I don't want to see faked videos.

Maybe you have been this whole time...

Son, you no longer have an option on our free service. But you can subscribe to our deep fake-free service for only $89.99/month.

You won't know the difference.

That only makes it worse.

resistance is futile. profits go brrrr.

What if that source material for young brains gets more and more contaminated with artificial junk?

Post-truthism has reached live video and is accessible to everyone. Turns out it's still only a few weirdos who love to use it for grifting purposes. I think most normal people are like "what do I need this crazy sh*t for?"

I wish Firefox was like Vivaldi so I can switch from the Chrome based browser.

The US is a big country.

Australia around the same size, but has excellent public transportation (relative to the US).

Australian transport is still dominated by cars though.


At least 80% of surface passenger kilometers are in cars.

Most of austrailias population is concentrated around a few areas. The us population is very spread out.

Big and empty in a lot of places

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