The concept sounds interesting but the execution seems lacking. I couldn't complete my profile because of spurious "check your inputs for errors" messages when I tried to click save on the very first section. Reloading the page several times didn't help though eventually a hard reload did. The project section silently lost an entry when I clicked save, presumably because I entered a year without a month. In the Java quiz, a question about generics failed to properly escape the angle brackets, making three of the four choices indistinguishable without reading the DOM. Question quality was quite variable.
That screenshot looks on the one hand very useful and on the other hand somewhat user-hostile since you have to build your own mental mapping from the architectural-style floor plan to the rooms in your house without any hints - I can imagine it being much easier to get used to or share with guests if there were sufficient icons or furniture shown in each room to make it obvious which room it is and which direction it's facing without having to consider the measurements and position relative to the other rooms.
I have to disagree a bit. For new users it will always take a bit of time to get used to it - be it in 2D or 3D. But after some time, the usability of 2D and 3D will be the same. And guests will have that problem either way - for that reason, one could just render their usable rooms on a separate UI.
If I were to use the 2d floor plan I’d look at it for a moment, and then I’d flip a couple of lights so that I could tell which room is which. It’s not complicated imo.
It's disingenuous to proclaim that this is the only meaning - every person and culture that uses rings in this way applies their own meaning to it.
That said, when I was deciding whether or not I, as a male, wanted a wedding ring, this was exactly the reason that convinced me. I got married much younger than average and liked the idea of being visible "'off the market' and belongs to someone else."
This is totally irrelevant to the discussion here - you're referring [in a rather toxic way] to ultra-Orthodoxy. My experience has been that ultra-Orthodox Jews are far less interested in and aware of the "thousand edge cases" since they prefer to stay far away from the proverbial 'edge'.
1. Contexts in which a Shabbos goy is a permitted solution are quite restricted - it's not a "get out of Shabbos free" card.
2. A Shabbos goy, being human, has agency, while a device does not have agency, leaving the person using the device with responsibility for making the device do something.
Such a company is not entirely unimaginable given sufficiently roundabout sensing mechanisms. It could be especially useful in Israel due to the majority of the population being Jewish and with many neighborhoods and towns nearing 100% Jewish residents. Mostly, though, religious Jews in Israel are just used to not having a Shabbos goy as an option. That said, the one time I found myself really stuck in a bind where a Shabbos goy was the only reasonable solution, I was fortunate enough to see a non-Jewish taxi driver pull over within minutes of going outside to look for one.
Yeah this has me confused as well, why is nobody talking about that here?
In Python, it's literally just a line of text, an instruction to import something. If that thing doesn't exist, too bad. The user is responsible for supplying it, not the Python code.
They just released their first product using Risc-V: the Pinecil soldering iron. Honestly, RISC-V or not, I'm just planning to use mine for soldering...