I suppose this doctor will prescribe you to not use all new medical tools available in case they might find something.
I don't understand the logic. Having mass adoption tools to check your health is the future. This will never be 100% accurate, but like medicine and doctors will never be.
Yes, doctors and health organizations routinely advise patients not to get more tests than they need. A PSA test is cheap and easy to administer but the consensus is that risk of false positives (among other reasons) outweighs the benefits of finding prostate cancer among young men at low risk.
Why self driving cars should only be electric vehicules? And if the price of oil is going down due to electric vehicules it will make people even more happier to use their already amortized vehicules. And don't forget that a large part of electricity comes from oil in the US.
The flip side is if if and when electric cars become cheap enough it's possible that they will beat ICE on a cost per mile basis _even if gasoline were free_.
Justification: For a car that gets 30MPG the fuel cost per mile is only 6-7 cents per mile. Total cost per mile is around 50 cents per mile. So only 10-20% of the cost is fuel.