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Environment variables are also commonly used by cli programs.

The article is from 2007. I’m wondering how long it takes now for the same test.

The article is from 2007 but is about what happened at the time NTFS was developed, so likely the time it happened was 1992/1993 or so.

We like fwknop a lot for its cryptography implementation which can prevent MITM attacks. However, we don't like it for relatively complex client setup. (For example, there is no official iOS client). So we built our own cheap version of port-knocking and called it "doormand". It's just a HTTP server (behind nginx) listening for a POST request from clients. If the request is valid, a new iptables rule is added for the knocking IP for 30 seconds. It supports users with secret key (think API token) so we can knock from our workstation easily. It also supports Timebased-OTP (we can even setup so user is required to enter 2 different TOTP's when knocking) so we can knock from mobile devices. All messages are hash'ed with timestamp making it harder to re-play attack. It works great for us (a small team) because now we can knock over HTTPS on our phone/ipad and then SSH-connect to servers.

I worked on a bash script that downloads all of Slack messages to my local computer. I have a few workspaces (some community workspaces) where I don't have admin permissions and a few free tier workspaces where messages are limited to 10K. I use this script to download chat messages to my computer everyday so I can grep them later at any time.

It's on github: https://github.com/t-tran/slack-chat-backup

This is great, thanks!

If I knew somebody else's unique subdomain, I could set my browser cookie on my local computer to that value and it seems to just load the other subdomain just fine. I tested this with 2 different browser on my same laptop. Maybe it won't work if the other person is on another computer?

I could also just set the subdomain to anything I like (by setting the cookie value) and it still works just fine.

Ah no, I can still set the cookie to the other person's subdomain on another machine.

Edit: add extra sentence.

Edit2: format.

Oh boy, that's an embarrassing bug!

Found the issue, and I'm working on fix now

Edit: bug squashed - this should no longer be an issue

It may sound strange to some people, but staying at home actually made me more productive. I got more things (work and my own side projects) done in the past month. Except for me missing eating out at cafes, going to the theaters and people watching, I found a lot less distracted working from home.

Back when MOH of Vietnam still published number of people tested per day, I collected the data from their website and made this graph: https://i.imgur.com/hzkG3R2.png They stopped doing that though.

So as of 4/12, number of people tested and came out negative was 121.6K

I want to backup chat messages (just the texts) from my Slack workspaces to local machine. However, I don't have admin permissions and I can't install Apps on workspaces to have that API Key. Thus, I wrote this bash script to use my browser's session key and cookie to curl all the messages (all the way back to the beginning of each channels) and dump them to local storage in JSON format. I can later process the JSON files and import them into a database. But that's later.

This looks like a handy and clever script. Would you consider testing for OS? uname -o. gdate is just Mac ports / brew way of adding GNU date AFAIK. If you see GNU in uname -o, then you should be able to call date vs. gdate and remove a step (alias) for Linux users.

Give https://www.packet.net/ a try. They are relatively new (about 2 years old), but are solid and having very nice APIs.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I'm not the OP but I'm in the process of moving from DO to Packet. Their servers are in New Jersey in case anybody was curious. I couldn't find that information anywhere until I signed up.

Isn't Mint one of Ubuntu variants?

It's Ubuntu-based, true. I guess the Ubuntu poll option could have been more explicitly stating the variants. Anyway, I was referring to the distributions listed on http://releases.ubuntu.com/ i.e. Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Mythbuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, UbuntuKylin, Ubuntu MATE, UbuntuStudio, Xubuntu.

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