When a company sends USD to a bank account in Argentina, the bank must to convert that amount to "pesos argentinos" (ARS), using the "official rate". You can't get USD transferred to your account from other people than yourself (or a company owned by you).
Right now the "official rate" is 110,5 ARS for each USD, but if you sell your USD (using crypto or in the "dark market") and get ARS, you'll get 222,5 ARS for each USD.
1996 in Argentina, Coke did a promotion where promised "two caps for a Ramones concert ticket" (we are huge fans here). Of course they didn't can keep with this promise and disturbs occurred:
I'm working in a project for my local fire station to receive GPS data via VHF radio (widely used by emergency services in my country). We are trying with DTMF, this seems interesting.
The more interesting modes (WSPR, FT8) are designed for high-loss channels, so have a lot of error correction. For example, I can use 5W of power, indoors, to communicate across the country with it. For high-bandwidth VHF channels, it doesn't matter what you use really. The goal would be to find something that already exists and is easy to integrate, and there are a lot of options.
I was referring to the standalone towers in the Midwest. Maybe elsewhere. When I was a kid i would wake up on Saturdays at noon due to the siren. My dad also had a police scanner I could hear. One summer I put 1 and 1 together
All you need is a dtmf decoder and a small transmitter to set the off those large sirens on high poles throughout that sprinkle the country in small towns and probably large cities
Im taking this online course, it is very interesting if you have some prior knowledge and experience and you are self-taught like me, because can make sure if you are making things right or wrong, plus learn new things.
Yes, I disabled the application now. But it took me 2 hours to put it online and it was really easy. People must stop the surveillance of all other people, I think.
Right now the "official rate" is 110,5 ARS for each USD, but if you sell your USD (using crypto or in the "dark market") and get ARS, you'll get 222,5 ARS for each USD.
And that's before the taxes.