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This is the correct life hack. is approximate enough to give you an idea. and easy enough to do mentally

Just imagine that is:

- docker image - vscode preibstalled - and everything used the same programming language.

Marcel, will you do an scheme and polymorphic identifier for webdav?

Reality is a graph. We understand it as a multi-tree. But we write it in lists.

The reality of a computer is an array since memory is sequential addresses and programs deal with data in memory.

I'm in the same boat. I've been looking at this space since (P)NaCL With a nagging question in my mind:

What does this do that we couldn't do with Java Applets? So far the response is very few things and a lot less. On the few things that it does differently is: + it focus on multi language support. as opposed to the JVM which was focused in getting all of us in writing Java. Here they want to actually use different languages to write webapps. - Although Rust is the favorite (As is C# in the .net) + It has a clear mechanism to communicate with Javascript and therefore the web. + timing bandwidth is now big enough to make this apps seem practical. + it is done by a coallition of vedors (as opposed to java that was only Sun's baby).

Very minor advantages in my opinion... but well I also think that lip's s-expressions are better than json, xml and yaml. and the world has thought differently every single time.

Security. Applets exposed massive API surface while wasm exposes almost nothing.

Also applets were too slow to start with Sun's implementation of the day while wasm works reasonably well in all browsers from day one. That matters a lot for adoption.

JVM improved but applets missed their chance. You only get one.

WASM exposes nothing ... except the entire browser app surface.

WASI starts with nothing and then exposes a bit more. WASI2 exposes more than WASI1. Preview 3 will also add more. Eventually there will be sandbox escapes in WASM runtimes as well. There's nothing about WASM that makes sandbox escapes harder.

Bear in mind, applets exposed a large surface area, because you need that to write useful apps. Currently WASI looks useful for, maybe, some subset of CLI tools. Everything else is kicked to Chrome. It's not as ambitious.

Other team ask themselves that question and created WASIX. I'm looking into it.

Because to me it seems only logical, to have POSIX that can work on the web.

This is about WASI and WASI is outside the web browser.

WASI Co-chair here: WASI is for the Web as well as beyond. The jco project (https://github.com/BytecodeAlliance/jco) provides an implementation of the Component Model and WASI Preview 2 for JavaScript systems. Right now, node.js support is complete, but support for Web embeddings is in progress and coming soon.

What you are looking for is: BPMN Sketch Miner.

It's a domain specific language for creating BPMN diagrams. The syntax is very simple (deceitfully so).

If you read their introductory book, you will be able to create process diagrams as fast as you can type them.


sarcasm doesn't translate well in text form.

This is the link to watch live (I had problems finding it) And it seems the live player doesn't work on chrome. But I use the "mpv" player.


it's stable enough on my x250 over DSL with mpv

very nice streaming setup from the team so far

There is also Rash: Racket Shell that looks súper interesting.


Haven't tried it though.

It is interesting, but not something you’d really want to rely on. (see the issues, comments and commit history: https://github.com/willghatch/racket-rash)

This project could really benefit from picking up a couple of steady contributors. It looks like the author is a new dad, and his commit history looks about like what mine did at that stage.

Interestingly Rash is also suitable as a user-oriented shell (like bash) rather be reserved for scripting (like scsh).

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