Well... as written on the linked site, you just install by running:
`curl -L get.fleet.rs | sh`. And you use `fleet run` instead of `cargo run` within your rust projects. Only works for nightly right now.
A friend and I are working on a low-code programmable kind of HTTP proxy. It let's users generate unique endpoints in our service, which they can use to receive, modify and optionally send HTTP requests to upstream services:
- the request modification + custom forwarding to upstreams happens im Javascript using an embedded v8 engine (using deno_core)
- we plan to support typescript compilation, too
- we plan to offer WASM execution, too if it suits our needs (research still has to be made)
- we also think of supporting protocols other than HTTP later on
This can be used to receieve and modify traffic input/output formats in a generic way. Since everything is written in rust, we focus on robustness and fastness. We could imagine running the thing on CDN edges, too for request modification (e.g. adding http headers, doing authentication etc.)
The state of the project is: under "heavy development", not even alpha, yet ;) If you are interested, have a look at: https://github.com/flow-heater/fh-core (the name is just the working title). Enjoy!
CeleraOne is hiring in Berlin, actually around the corner of Soundcloud's HQ in Berlin Mitte. We 're looking for engineers in Python, C++, JavaScript as well as Operations and Machine Learning. See http://www.celeraone.com/en/careers for a complete list or contact us directly career@celeraone.com.