I was going to say that this is nothing Hyperganic hasn't done....and then looked up Lin and Joesefine who were previously at....Hyperganic. I wonder what the story is over there. Open sourcing their geometry kernel is a very confident move.
Interested to see what happens between Lab71, Hyperganic and nTopology - traditional CAD/CAM packages are integrating topology optimisation / generative design but are simply not voxel-first. Perhaps there's a middle-ground to be found (though possibly requires more developed use cases first).
For a period in my life I was very taken by the promise of a node-based graph visualisation of projects, enabling you to quickly track dependencies, constraints, next steps, redundancies and so on.
And for argument graphs. Premises, therefores/lemmas, conclusions.
I don't get heavily into CRT/FRT, at least not the most disciplined versions. I find that in practice the kinds of problems that justify that in-depth level of analysis are few and far between.
I'm slightly surprised that there's not more mention of Flying Logic on here. How do you decide when to use it, and what other tools/frameworks do you use in conjunction?
Do you share or collaborate on these models with anyone? I find that it's very easy to assume that people will look at the model and see what you're seeing but mostly their eyes glaze over.
I use it when I want to draw a graphical data structure that will visually auto-update as I change it. That answer sounds kind of pat, since you basically need to gather enough experience to know when that is useful. I tend to think it's useful in far many more cases than people usually appreciate.
I often screenshare. You can also share the *.xlogic files, even via git, although the company has made it harder to download a free version of the app that can read them read-only. Last I checked it seemed they require a credit card even if you don't buy.
The natural representation of a recipe is a DAG! ;-)
It's not really moving on - I'd still love to have something like this, but it's an entire paradigm shift that I haven't had the capacity for, not to mention buy-in from other parties.
ericalexander0's comment above touches on some of it ("poor assumptions, prioritizing ideology over customer value, and misaligned shared mental models")
In my particular case, I was expanding a business and starting a new one and had just discovered the whole "productivity" scene and had naive notions of using task management tools and Notion wikis to achieve some latent superpowers. But I got into a rabbit hole where nothing was good enough, there was always some element of lossiness as you moved between tools, and all the tools in the world are not a subsititute for having clear mental models and actually just getting on with the job rather than thinking endlessly about the most beautiful and intuitive ways of getting it done.
Separately from these meta-concerns, building and navigating a model was not as fluent as a Workflowy/Dynalist situation (the latency was small but annoying - like early days of Notion), and as your model built up and reorganised it was easy to lose track of things. There's still some value in graph-based knowledge management (e.g. Obisidian), but it's also important to remember that storing and having access to information (however aesthetically pleasing it might be) is not the same as knowing something.
Possibly a larger conversation lurking somewhere about productivity, management, the meaning of work, ADHD, and friction.
> a kind of ancient taboo on certain words, like fire, that they are not spoken directly but instead connected with other, similar sources; it is like calling the toilet or jakes the bathroom
I find it amusing that we can reconstruct that PIE speakers had a verb for "to get high", but we can't reconstruct their noun for "bear", because it was taboo: speaking of the bear was like speaking of the devil, and so all we know are all the different ways the different languages chose to talk about the bear without saying its name.
Interested to see what happens between Lab71, Hyperganic and nTopology - traditional CAD/CAM packages are integrating topology optimisation / generative design but are simply not voxel-first. Perhaps there's a middle-ground to be found (though possibly requires more developed use cases first).