I haven't had the opportunity to use this in research yet, but i liked numbat [0], as it comes with relevant common units and lets you define your own. It appeared on HN before [1].
Given how the names were generated, it seems the bad actor might actually want to be caught. Maybe it was trying to get the committee to disqualify a title. Since it doesn't make sense financially, as a sibling comments points out, so personal grudge might be the motivation. But I guess we'll never know.
That's an interesting theory. At least one of the nominees is known to be on hostile terms with a group with a past record of trying to interfere with the Hugos.
if you are used to the command line and knows some basic syntax, it is less verbose then opening a REPL and reading a file. The fact that you can pipe the json data into it is also a plus, making it easier to check quickly if the response of a curl call has the fields/values you were expecting. Of course, if you are more comfortable doing that from the REPL, you get less value from learning jq. If you are fond of one liners, jq offers a lot of potential.
One notable difference between scientific code and regular software development is that the code scientists write is an implementation of well defined/documented mathematical models, while in a, say, web application, there is no reference paper or research, the code _is_ the reference. That's why best practices are important, not for the person writing a piece of software now, but for the future. If you need to change scientific code, papers and specification make otherwise confusing structure more manageable.
Nice! Once or twice I've used tad as a GUI to view csv files, but I usually use vi with nowrap or read the file in R. Now csvlens will be my default for csv files.
I like viewing most CSVs in vim. It can be a little annoying when the columns don’t line up well. Often I’ll replace all the commas with a tab, and then set the tab width to some very high value to make it all line up.
Of course, there exist plenty of CSV files that don’t follow any particular standard, so the trick doesn’t always work (if there are tabs in the data, if there’s some very wide field, or if there’s a comma in the data). Works good enough for the files I have, though.
While not embedded in markdown, I like d2 [1]. I can use it with org-babel to embed and view the diagrams on emacs. After using graphviz for years, the visual output seems more polished to me. With that said, I want to give pikchr a try.
[0]: https://github.com/sharkdp/numbat
[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38276430