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Yes, me too. Sounds like creator wants to get on top of it and clean all that up, so I hope this kickstarter succeeds. Great project and I want sublime support! :) Backed.

Indeed! Thanks so much for the support!!

Bet you want to click that blue button, right? Impressive example that illustrates the point. :)

This is EXACTLY what an integration test gives you, start there and let it drive your commit message instead, no need for a new mantra.

That is very true, to be honest my post was food for thought more than a call to action.


And just to get the ball rolling; I'll start with my first draft at my business planning outline I ended up with after a brainstorming session :

    - Product Development
      - Features
      - Bugs
      - Design
        - Feedback
        - Direction
    - Marketing
      - Launch
      - Viral Component
      - Incentivize referrals / Customer Acquisition
    - Business
      - Raise Money
      - Monetize
    - Brain Dump

I'm not sure if these are in order but I would put monetize before raise money. I try to build a revenue model into a business rather than just assume I'll be able to raise money to fund the company.

Good point, I'm more interested in "Things I need to think about" right now though. I guess I'll research 'how to write a business plan' a bit more.

this is a bad thing?

This also highlights the point that it is important as an employer to write good job descriptions as well. I find this point often neglected.

Let's say I need 100 grey colored bricks, for example. Where can one order lego pieces on a per-piece basis?

The author mentions http://www.bricklink.com/


You can also generate a parts list and building guide for your own design:


This is like asking on reddit if reddit.com or nytimes.com is a better source of news.

My guess is it's a Django Reinhardt song. :)

It's by Anouman (http://anouman.net) -- but it's gypsy jazz, same style as Django.

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