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This looks great and all, but another YouTube video says that when you crack the egg against the lip of the bowl, you create shell fragments....

So - maybe those videos need to battle it out?

Both are right... it depends on so many factors. I've (subjectively?) found older eggs to create more shell fragments when cracked this way.

The only hard truth is that the egg will break in whichever random way it wants to.

Current top comment:

>The only point I'll add: Crack on a flat surface like the counter, not a bowl or pan edge. It yields fewer small egg shells to fish out.

The bowl in this video has a flat-ish rim so I expect that there’s no contention but an oversight of the video.

What is even better is this attorney - who relied on ChatGPT for research - when called to task to provide the legal opinions....couldn't even get the affidavit right.

"The April 25 affidavit was filed in response to the Orders of April 11 and 12, 2023, but is sworn to before a Notary Public on the 25th of January 2023. Mr. LoDuca should be prepared to address this anomaly on June 8, 2023 and bring with him a wet-ink signed copy of the affidavit with the notary’s signature and stamp."

You added a point not exactly accurate. The problem also are people who bend the rules and immigrate to this country not in line with our laws - like Trump's wife - because they are privileged.

Illegal immigration of all kinds is the issue - including immigration under false pretenses.

Our "hidden" game was one called Conflict where you were Israel.

I managed to load it on the shared hardrive (20 Meg, I think).

Ours was Spectre[0] as our school had a Macintosh lab. We learned to pick locks on that lab door, to sneak in and play the game together during lunch. Thankfully the lab teacher was an extremely passionate nerd like us, so was understanding, but it still involved a fair few lunchtime detentions over the year or two we did it.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectre_(video_game)

Yep, that was it

I'll bite. You have an underlying assumption that millions of foreign nationals are cared for who have paid nothing.


Just wish Haiku could distributed the old music that came from Be, included such great tubes as "BeOS - it's my OS" and "Virtual(void)" which lamented rebooting multiple times.

Happily, they're available online:

Virtual (Void) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpgLFEHrWSA

5038 BeOS It's The OS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlOi-L-N0X4

These were from a small group of Be engineers that had a band called "The Cotton Squares".

According to kallisti5 (a Haiku dev), they may have permission to redistribute. They should!


There was "The Cotton Squares" 3 songs in MP3, but, sadly download links are dead now.[0]

FTR, Thanks to linked HaikuOS Forum thread, ~10 year old Reddit request could be solved finally.[1]

[0] http://www.oocities.org/sbarta30/fanmusic.html

[1] https://old.reddit.com/r/haikuOS/comments/c6lkp/the_beos_son...

They missed an opportunity to release an album called "The Be Sides"

> an album called "The Be Sides"

Does it available somewhere?

Oh, man. I know what I am listening to tonight!

Archive.org has a list of songs available in MP3 and OGG format [0]

The tracks available are:

1. 5038

2. BeOS talking blues

3. be3d

4. focus pocus

5. search and replace

6. the magnetik zones of love

7. virtual (void) 3.0 techno remix

8. virtual (void) the coustic mix

9. virtual (void) the beos remix

There is also a host of other media, including images of CDs, User Guides, and Videos [1]

[0] https://archive.org/details/TheCottonSquares

[1] https://archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22BeOS%22

Wait. I was there. That was you?

I was there too!

And you know what they said? Some of it was true!

I forget how much Carter Page was a political rival of Barack Obama somehow.

Thanks for the reminder.

Carter Page was not the real target.

FISA warrants cover two hops. If person Y communicates with both X and Z, a FISA warrant on person X will allow spying on person Z. In this case person X is Carter Page, and person Z is Donald Trump. It is certain that a suitable person Y exists. Such a person would be anybody who communicated, no matter how briefly, with both Carter Page and Donald Trump. Numerous journalists would qualify as person Y.

Wonder if really dead or "crashed"?

I remember when I ran coinchoose.com I spent most my day fighting off attacks.

Actually, you didn't get it because Jean-Louis asked too much when Apple inquired.

The way I see it, the two are related- Microsoft stopped it from having much of a chance as an independent OS.. This stopped us from getting it outside of a major vendor like Apple acquiring it.

Apple saw this, so didn't want to pay as much as they might have if it were selling well on it's own.

So Apple ended up going with NeXT "instead of plan Be" as it were.

Yep. OEMs were not allowed to sell dual-boot systems if they wanted to keep buying cheap MS licenses. I think they lost that lawsuit, but it was long after BeOS closed up their commercial operations.

Didn't Be publicly offer up a free Be OS license to the first OEM willing to ship a duel boot system?

When there were no takers for a free way to have your hardware stand out from the pack, it was hard to imagine a reason for every single OEM in a very crowded field to back away that didn't involve antitrust shenanigans.

Now that you mention it, I recall this as well.

I love how everyone blames Microsoft for what was OEMs doing a race to the bottom.

OEMs had an option, yes they would had to pay more for licenses, but no one pointed them a gun, or did visits mafia style to forbid them to sell other systems.

Microsoft, the incumbent, offered OEMs cheaper Windows licenses as long as there was no dual boot, or a windows license was paid for every machine sold regardless of what it ran.

Under these terms, it was suicide for OEMs to offer anything except “only Windows”. I was actually working for another company whose software was killed by Microsoft by a similar “or else” threat from Microsoft at the time.

Microsoft was a bully doing (likely) illegal things, except the FTC wasn’t doing its job.

And what would have stopped OEMs to offer the same device with a different SKU with BeOS AND Windows for say x USD more?

(kind of like Dell does with their Linux lappies)

More SKUs cost more in manufacturing, QA; choice paralysis may drive away customers. All for a relatively niche offering that might piss off their big product. Little upside. It's even a bit surprising Dell sells Linux laptops, considering.

Lack of demand (for BeOS at an extra cost; or for Windows by people who wanted BeOS)

Also, some of the time Microsoft simply forbade dual booting as a condition for OEM licensing.

It'd be business suicide to charge more just so they could offer an obscure OS as an option; in my mind, this is the kind of clear anticompetitive situation it'd be good to use the law to avoid. Instead the DOJ went after MS for bundling a web browser. So dumb.

Microsoft was sued, and settled for $23M. https://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240052523/BeOS-will-liv...

Hey, that’s neat, but too little too late!

Was it just a strategic misstep for Be to not sue at the time, when it would have mattered? Why did the DOJ care about MS bundling a web browser w/ its OS but not care about MS preventing OEMs from selling any other OS than Windows? The seems wildly, clearly more anticompetitive to me!

And why does no one care about this stuff anymore? Not only does iOS bundle a browser, you cannot install any other browser (you can install alternative UI frontends for webkit, but you can’t ship your own js/html etc engine). Not too mention that they can veto any software on the platform for any reason...

There are laws about dumping prices, beyond that it is business as usual.

Only slightly off topic, but are you aware of

[1] https://www.quora.com/Why-didnt-Japan-make-their-own-brand-O...


We still wouldn't have it; no way Apple w/o Steve Jobs but w/ BeOS survives.

I mostly agree.

Jobs was able to squeeze Microsoft. In a way I don't think any one else would or could.

Referring to Microsoft outright stealing Apple's IP and Gates' subsequent settlement. The $150m investment. The commitment to maintain Office on Mac. Forever license to all of Microsoft's API, enabling Mail.app to have pretty great integration with Exchange, for example.

BeOS was probably the better tech. But Jobs had the better strategies and the better team.

Compare this to Jonathan Schwartz cotemporaneous mismanagement of Sun's amazing IP, snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. Schwartz just wasn't a bare knuckled brawler like Jobs.

Schwartz was an odd duck in charge if another odd duck. His writing was a good read, but it was a little odd to see such antiestablishment talk from an establishment player. And in the near term, his own establishment suffered the most.

I used the hell out of Java, but most of their other tech was in the weird quadrant of cool stuff that I won’t use. Something about their fit and finish always left me cold. Or if not that, price point.

Who knows. Maybe BeOS also had other nice talented people working there, with good vision for products, that just needed more room and market that apple could provide. We will never know

Maybe! It’s more than just having the talent tho — you need to have a talented leader. Johnny Ive was at Apple for 5 years before Jobs showed up, without too much to show for it.


All conjecture. Had I finished my Java port (BeKaffe), the world would run on BeOs :).

If Apple had failed, I wonder what Steve would have done after Pixar. Start a new computer company? Could he (or perhaps a better question: would he) have swooped in with Mac compatibility mode?

The real win was a mobile future sans Microsoft. I doubt smart phones would be what they are today if not for the iPhone, and the iPhone required huge resources and a maniac cracking the whip. Would Jony Ive leave a failing Apple and work with Steve? If not, would we even have the iPod let alone the iPhone?

On the plus side, Nokia might have still been around.

Nokia is still around, and working from the offices I used to visit regularly in Espoo.

I wouldn't call that what's left after elopcalypse "alive" and "around"

Alive enough to be one of the best Android brands, that actually provide updates without having to pay Apple prices.

Around enough to still have a good networking business, and be the owner of Bell Labs.

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