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What a fascinating subject! I'll definitelly check this out in the following weeks.

Just a trivia info (I guess that's how it's called?) - especially interesting for mathematics lovers: the creator of Magit is Jonas Bernoulli, from Basel. Probably a descendant of the famous Bernoullis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_family

p.s. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

Ah, you've beet me to it skrebbel. :) I actually wanted to write something like this. It's really hard to be what you are (in my case - a very introverted and private person), give something valuable to the world and actually live from that. That would be a beautiful life, really.

p.s. Not saying there are no people who didn't manage to pull it off, but I'm pretty sure those people are exceptions rather than the rule.

fwiw I'm super extroverted and I still get stressed out about the idea of becoming an internet personality :-)

Haha.. Well in every "group" there are exceptions. It's like a Yin and yang thing I guess :)

I respectfully disagree (I think),

We can be emotional about pieces fitting together etc. but we certainly don't have to. Those pieces are still going to fit together.

As Threeve303 have said - "the world"/people run on emotion. Some of those people (a minority) are going to be attracted to logic because they will see the value of it. So, I guess, we can say that they will feel (have emotions?) toward logic, while others won't - but that doesn't matter because the "pieces are still fitting together" with or without people feeling anything toward logic.

(Hopefully that made sense, especially because English is not my first language.)

Kind regards,


Ahh, if only more companies would be like Fairphone! I'd love to buy a phone from them at one point.


Interesting. I'll check them out.


Interesting company with a simple idea and a great execution. I saw some report on YouTube 1-2 year(s) ago. Thanks for mentioning them.

Hey :) Interesting observation and question. When I initially posted the question it was without the quotes :) but then I realized that this "something good" was probably not a very clear term (I might be wrong) so I edited the question and inserted the quotes. As far as I'm concerned it's better without them.

Oh wow, that was fast. :) Thanks gurubavan, that sounds very interesting. Do you know them personally or so? Have you worked with them? I'll definitely check them out!

Yes and yes. Feel free to DM me on twitter (same username). Also check out Ginkgo Bioworks (http://ginkgobioworks.com/), one of the top 100 YC companies. They're working on some really hard problems.

You know, I might do just that. Thank you! Also, biology and biotech used to be in the 4th or 5th place on my list of interests but it became 1st or 2nd during the previous 2 years. Both companies have fascinating ideas/goals. Just fascinating! The part that's a bit sad (to me) is that I'm new in biology (although I'm constantly reading about many things there) so I'm not sure if I would ever manage to find my place in a company in that field :(

p.s. I just remembered that a year ago I watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSZidU6R_mU - Reshma Shetty, Founder of Ginkgo Bioworks at the Female Founders Conference

Edit: added a p.s.

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