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That's hilarious

You should read about compatibilism, e.g. the work of Daniel Dennett, which argues that the parts of free will worth wanting are consistent with determinism. He definitely doesn't believe in magic or god!

Why would you assume it's all or nothing? Will (free or otherwise) implies something like effort and clearly we're not constantly applying effort. Believing in free will doesn't mean believing that everything results from it.

Usually people that don’t being in thought can’t think, so from their limited perspective, their arguments kinda make sense.

It’s like white swans. If you’ve never seen a bird, you might think that nobody has ever seen a white swan.

I feel like all recommendation systems already do similarity well -- and it's not what I want. True, similarity matters to some extent, but my dream is something that can accurately predict what I'd like. Often I'll only like a song or two from a given artist, so finding artists similar to this artist are often useless.

Related question: I wonder if identical twins are good at recommending each other music

The "noise level" heading is spelled "noice level" and at first I thought the author meant "nice" spoken like an Australian lol

Do you have any evidence that redirects are bad for SEO? Redirects are a normal part of the web and Google tells you they are fine with it https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/...

No, Google are infallible and never tell lies...

I don't understand why you think this is a bad idea - 301 redirects exist for a reason. Redirecting to what the user probably wants is better than a 404 page.

That said, typically most people are going to find a site via search or clicking a link, which is why I think basically no one bothers doing this.

301 is "Moved Permanently". The content in question wasn't (necessarily) moved. If you control and know for sure that old URL was renamed to something else, then yes - 301 redirect is appropriate. But guessing and redirecting isn't that.

Except there's no duplicate content - the site redirects

>Forecasters warned of “DVD-size hail” as stones larger than grapefruits...

Not sure what "DVD-size" adds in this subtitle beyond the grapefruit reference, especially since a DVD is flat and the hail is not

They've used quarters as a reference point for forever, and coins are also flat, so I guess it's not a problem.

The common grapefruit diameter is smaller than the diameter of a DVD. People like to reference the size people in the area might be more familiar. When you say grapefruit, I don't think of something the size of a DVD. That would be an extra large grapefruit based on the sizes and pricing of all of the stores that offer grapefruits I have ever seen. The DVD diameter sized citrus fruit I'm familiar would be pomelos, and not all stores carry them.

If you routinely see grapefruit with the same diameter as a DVD that it is a normal measurement for you then, that's great for you, but it is not the normal

At risk of being a bit unempathetic, your comment seems a bit obtuse.

It’s pretty clear that it’s referring to the diameter of the hail. Other flat objects are commonly used to indicate diameter. Mostly coins.

The flat part wasn't confusing, was just quibbling about the odd over-explaining of the size (fwiw in the video the person says "baseball" and "softball", and indeed I didn't see any DVD-sized ones).

Here's the specific link that OP cites and quotes from: https://investor.fb.com/investor-news/press-release-details/... You don't think the author misread this in the referenced paragraph?

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