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Another thing I have noticed is that in a group meeting, you are not actually having 1 meeting with everyone in the group. But rather, you are having multiple individual meetings simultaneously. It is a weird meeting dynamic that is unnatural to the way we are use to in real life.

I think VR might fix these issues. The problem isn't necessarily lag, but spacial awareness and sound. With 3D sound and a representation of everyone in a virtual space, it might become a lot easier to have proper group conversations.

Why is it that people default to a class in highschool as the solution to our societal problems?

Poor financial literacy = HS tax class

Misinformation on social media = HS propaganda class

Teens can't deal with their emotions = HS yoga class

Also we read Animal Farm and we talked about propaganda in history classes. Another class just for Facebook is not the solution.

I am not surprise about the findings that people are sleeping later and longer. The lack of stimuli from going to work, engaging face to face with colleagues, and coming home feels a like remote working induced fog.

This feeling reminds me of the Mars500 study where astronauts simulates the trip to Mars and stays in a capsule for 520 days. The study finds that as repetitive routine sets in, the crew's mood worsened, as a result, the crew slept later and longer.


It could also be that people who are working from home are more able to fall into their body's natural/preferred sleep pattern.

One time I was in Krogers and saw a man buying 6 onions with nickels, dimes, pennies. He took a long time but he bought his onions.

I personally don't care one way or another but those who miss the penny the most, won't likely get a voice.

I'm not sure I understand your point. Are you saying getting rid of the penny would hurt poor people?

Yeah pretty much. Most of the poor are unbanked and every penny counts.

I like this and explains the basic mechanics in a simple way for me to understand.

I want to highlight the What counts as revenue section because I think it is the most crucial. Deferred Revenue is well explained and very necessary for SaaS. I think it will also be good to highlight account receivables, where you have delivered the good but haven't received the cash. Even though this rarely occurs in a SaaS model, but it is important to state that account receivable is not revenue, which some awkward mistake can be easily made.

> I think it will also be good to highlight account receivables, where you have delivered the good but haven't received the cash. Even though this rarely occurs in a SaaS model

Hah! You'd be surprised at how much businesses suck at paying their bills. And it's not really customer friendly to shut them off either.

As far as I know, huge amounts in accounts receivable is industry standard.

You mean account payable?

I think a lot of users are missing the point. I don't see this tool as a final decision maker and it can never be one. The final decision has a lot of nuisances to that it is difficult to capture in one tool, so might as well just open a spreadsheet and bang it out.

I see this tool as a quick a simple way to eliminate all the tools that might look shiny and slick or save a few clicks, but doesn't actually save employee's time at all.

So the decision becomes, I like the way this new SaaS feels or looks than our current one, but is it really worth the additional cost?

Exactly, and scale is important too. The initial target audience was small (as in very small, maybe 1-10 people) businesses, whose owners often don't intuitively understand how beneficial small services costs can be.

Okay I really like the idea. I think the bottom line whether the SaaS is worth the cost with the premise is that the SaaS saves time. However, time saving (item 4) is pretty difficult to gauge. Therefore, I suggest having a version where time saving is the output.

So then the question become, I have to believe that this SaaS will save XXXmin per employee for me to consider buying it.

Hey I loaded the game and ran into a wall. After than I am can't get unstuck from the wall. Below are the error log from the console.

main-5b4da2e18d96589d9eb9.js:39 DataFetcherRequest: Received error l XMLHttpRequest ProgressEvent (anonymous) @ main-5b4da2e18d96589d9eb9.js:39 gznoclip1.b-cdn.net/HalfLife2/hl2_misc_000.vpk:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED main-5b4da2e18d96589d9eb9.js:39 DataFetcherRequest: Received error l XMLHttpRequest ProgressEvent

While there is no international organization and means to distribute the vaccine to the most needy, in the US, we have troves of census data that can pinpoint neighborhoods that are the most at risk - based on age, access to health care, and income.

With a government that actually cares about its people, the HHS can set up pilot sites to vaccinate in those most needy areas. Moreover, the US military has experience in setting up field hospitals for these purposes in Liberia against Ebola. So bottomline is that it is a matter of political will on how we distribute the COVID drugs.

This sounds like a good idea on paper, but allow me to frame this differently. The first vaccine will likely be slightly experimental because it was done rather quickly. This means you are effectively asking the government to set up shop in likely minority and poorer neighborhoods to administer a vaccine that might have unknown side-effects that don't appear until being used by a larger population of people. It seems like you are supporting experimenting on the poor.

I think you need to make it available, but in this case, maybe allowing people to choose is the right decision. Make sure it's available equally, yes, make sure poorer people have access, but don't rush to make sure that only the poor get it.

I agree. My point is that in general that when there is a high demand for very scarce resources, it is usually the rich or powerful who gets it. All I am saying is that don't forget about the poor people.

So are you telling me that I need to be attractive?

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