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I think Manning/NoStarch/Pragmatic generally have good quality books, but O'Reilly is not too far behind. They just publish a lot many books, so some are bound to be mediocre and some of them absolute gems.

I agree with the Javascript suggestion, and if his primary interest is games - I recommend https://pragprog.com/titles/csjava2/3d-game-programming-for-...

It's a great, structured way to get some hands on experience while having fun!

I really like the wiby.me version of this. It displays results only from early web style pages; a great throwback to an era where not everything was "corporate".

LWN.net (mentioned elsewhere on the thread) is quite good for finding FOSS related content.

Thanks; I'll give it a try!

I use Personal Knowbase, a small Shareware era program. It has minor annoyances but does what it says on the tin. It's fast, minimal and allows narrowing down to related notes in a jiffy. The makers update it slowly though.


This is a massive achievement. Being able to run a modern browser and an Office Suite makes it a viable desktop alternative in the coming future. I'm happy to see variety in the desktop OS space once again!

Cleartrip was indeed written in Common Lisp but moved to Java some years ago.

Interesting. I had read that Paul Graham's startup Viaweb, which was originally written mainly in Lisp (with some C and maybe some Perl) was rewritten in some other language some time after Yahoo! acquired them. And it looks like something similar happened with Reddit:


Surely, not SuSe. Novell didn't really handle that well.

A lot of Perl before Java came along.

IIRC I think the name is because they allow a lot of content that other hosts may shy away from.

It's both: "For everyone to have free speech, they need to be able to afford it."

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