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Everything is subjective of course :)

I remember comparing Tcl/Tk with Rebol/View - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7069311

Hopefully these two links will help:

- Definitional Scoping / Rebol actually does not have scoping at all - https://stackoverflow.com/q/21964110/12195

- Bindology - https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Rebol_Programming/Advanced/Bin...

Uh ... BrianH and Ladislav ... two of the real Rebol magicians. I can't wait to read the second again, and the first for the first time!

>> I think Cale is an underrated vocalist

I totally agree and more so on ballards.

The hairs on my back of my neck always stand up when I hear I Keep A Close Watch (especially the M:FANS version [1], but the original Helen of Troy version is also great [2] and there's plenty of wonderful live versions).

[1] https://youtu.be/d7wBvyrao8I [2] https://youtu.be/LoggPfL3dLU

To add to this "A Date with Perl" by David Rolsky (video below is from 2017 but he has same talk going back 10+ years).


>> It really should be a few lines of code to add an “unless(X) {}” statement to “if(!X) ()” to...

Or even one line :)


  : unless ( ? quot -- res ) swap [ drop ] [ call ] if ; inline

  unless: func [expr block] [either expr [] block]

It's worth looking at Rebol [1], a language that is also homoiconic which was influenced by Lisp, Forth, Self & Logo and had a big influence on JSON too!

  user: [name: "John Doe" birth-date: 1970-01-01 account-balance: $1000.01]
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebol

> had a big influence on JSON too!

It might have influenced Javascript, but the entire idea in JSON is to have a data exchange syntax that can be plonked into Javascript as a literal. That requirement leaves room for no other influence, pretty much.

Here's a video where Crockford mentions Rebol (and others) being an influence on JSON - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C-JoyNuQJs&t=1233s

I've seen it mentioned on Rebol chatter that Crockford approached Carl Sassenrath (creator of Rebol) to open-source & use Rebol prior to creating JSON. So having a Javascript literal wasn't on Crockford's mind at that point.

NB. Rebol was closed sourced until 2012.

And Sakamoto would end up being involved in some of those Sylvian solo records.

A fly on the wall video of the 1st album [1] recording sessions was posted couple of years ago [2] which includes bits where you can see Sylvian/Sakamoto working together.

1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brilliant_Trees

2: The Berlin Sessions - https://youtu.be/v-X36Xi8i58

What a find, thank you...

>> People pretends Smalltalk doesn't exist?

And Factor and many implementations of Lisp too!

Arturo was influenced by Rebol which comes with LOOP - http://www.rebol.com/r3/docs/functions/loop.html

However there are some differences...

  loop 10 [
      print "hello"   ;; prints "hello" 10 times

  repeat n 10 [
      print n         ;; prints 1 to 10

  forever [
     print "hello"    ;; print "hello" forever!

Arturo has indeed been influenced by Rebol (and many other languages, to be honest).

As for looping...

    loop 1..10 'x -> print x                               ; prints 1 to 10

    loop.with:'i ["one" "two"] 'x -> print [i "=>" x]      ; 0 => one, 1 => two

    do.times: 10 -> print "hello"                          ; print "hello" 10 times

    loop.forever 1..10 'x -> print x                       ; prints 1 to 10, forever

    loop 1..10 [x y]-> print [x y]                         ; print 0 1, 2 3, 4 5,...
The same works for pretty much every function in the Iterators module: map, select, filter, etc :)


David Sylvian & Holger Czukay produced two wonderful ambient albums together in the 80s...

Plight & Premonition - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plight_%26_Premonition

Flux + Mutability - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flux_%2B_Mutability

Couple of articles about their collaboration: https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/david-sylvian-holger-cz... | https://thequietus.com/articles/24916-david-sylvian-holger-c...

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