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What happens if a rollback somehow makes things worse? Even emergency rollbacks need a gradual rollout so you’ve got a chance to catch any new issues you didn’t expect.

Ah, good point - I was reading it as 87 minutes for all of it, but it could easily be 1 minute per datacenter or whatever, and intentionally incremental, which would make a lot more sense.

I guess knowing that people will criticise your messy code is one of the reasons why people don’t open source more things. It’s nice to have the code open-source even though it’s not perfect.

It sounds like you’re asking for uncompressed audio? That meets all of your listed requirements. 48kHz * 16bit, single channel = 768kbit/s

We support that already, yup. But it never hurts to see if there's something better than that out there.

You can bootleg your own fast lossless codec by doing delta-encoding on the raw PCM to get a lot of zeros and then feed it through an off-the-shelf fast compressor like snappy/lz4/zstandard/etc. It won't get remotely close to the dedicated audio algorithms, but I wouldn't be surprised if you cut your data size by a factor 2-4 and essentially no CPU cost compared to raw uncompressed audio.

You’ve not done this before have you ?

I haven't, but now I have. I took https://opus-codec.org/static/examples/samples/music_orig.wa... from https://opus-codec.org/examples/. Then I wrote the following snippet of Python code:

    from scipy.io import wavfile
    import numpy as np
    import zstd

    sampling_rate, samples = wavfile.read(r'data/bootleg-compress/music_orig.wav')
    orig = samples.tobytes()

    naive_compressed = zstd.ZSTD_compress(orig)
    deltas = np.diff(samples, prepend=samples.dtype.type(0), axis=0) # Per-channel deltas.
    compressed_deltas = zstd.ZSTD_compress(deltas.ravel()) # Interleave channels and compress.

    decompressed_deltas = np.frombuffer(zstd.ZSTD_uncompress(compressed_deltas), dtype=samples.dtype)
    decompressed = np.cumsum(decompressed_deltas.reshape(deltas.shape), axis=0, dtype=samples.dtype)
    assert np.array_equal(samples, decompressed)


Looks like my initial estimation of 2-4 was way off (when FLAC achieves ~2 this should've been a red flag), but you do get a ~1.36x reduction in space at basically memory read speed.

Using an encoding for second order differences with storing -127 <= d <= 127 using 1 byte and the others 2 bytes (for an input of 16-bit audio) I got a ratio of ~1.50 for something that can still operate entirely at RAM speed:

    orig = samples.tobytes()
    deltas = np.diff(samples, prepend=samples.dtype.type(0), axis=0)      # Per-channel deltas.
    delta_deltas = np.diff(deltas, prepend=samples.dtype.type(0), axis=0) # Per-channel second-order differences.

    # Many small differences, encode almost all 1-byte differences using 1 byte,
    # using 3 bytes for larger differences. Interleave channels and encode.
    small = np.sum(np.abs(delta_deltas.ravel()) <= 127)
    bootleg = np.zeros(small + (len(delta_deltas.ravel()) - small) * 3, dtype=np.uint8)
    i = 0
    for dda in delta_deltas.flatten():
        if -127 <= dda <= 127:
            bootleg[i] = dda + 127
            i += 1
            bootleg[i] = 255
            bootleg[i + 1] = (dda + 2**15) % 256
            bootleg[i + 2] = (dda + 2**15) // 256
            i += 3

    compressed_bootleg = zstd.ZSTD_compress(bootleg)

    decompressed_bootleg = zstd.ZSTD_uncompress(compressed_bootleg)
    result = []

    i = 0
    while i < len(bootleg):
        if bootleg[i] < 255:
            result.append(decompressed_bootleg[i] - 127)
            i += 1
            lo = decompressed_bootleg[i + 1]
            hi = decompressed_bootleg[i + 2]
            result.append(256*hi + lo - 2**15)
            i += 3

    decompressed_delta_deltas = np.array(result, dtype=samples.dtype).reshape(delta_deltas.shape)
    decompressed_deltas = np.cumsum(decompressed_delta_deltas, axis=0, dtype=samples.dtype)
    decompressed = np.cumsum(decompressed_deltas, axis=0, dtype=samples.dtype)
    assert np.array_equal(samples, decompressed)
Prints 11593846.

While I also want a low-computation codec that can save space, the historical use cases unfortunately assumes a lot more CPU power to be compensated for a lot less bandwidth, so there's little research in this area, and there's no real incentive to make something like ProRes and DNxHD as if you are editing audio the SSD speeds has been so fast that you'll run into CPU problems first.

Either that or G.711.

G711 is neither high bitrate nor usable for music.

Then use G.722, it works fine for music.

No, g722 is still a wideband speech codec. Its available frequency goes up to 7 kHz. The uncompressed audio this thread began with goes up to 22 kHz. With g722 you're losing most overtones, or even all overtones from the top of a piano. Please don't use g722 for music apart from on-hold muzak.

To mount a camera on my desk, I'm about to purchase this "Neewer Tabletop Light Stand", and a mini ball head with standard 1/4 inch screw for angle adjustment.

I can't vouch for it yet, but hope it arrives and does the job. There's other similar products in other sizes by other brands.

[1] https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001657723138.html

I've been using InfluxDB, but not satisifed with limited InfluxQL, or over-complicated Flux query languages. I love Postgres so TimescaleDB looks awesome.

The main issue I've got is how to actually get data into TimescaleDB. We use telegraf right now, but the telegraf Postgres output pull request still hasn't been merged: https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/pull/3428

Any progress on this?

There is a telegraf binary available here that connects to TimescaleDB: https://docs.timescale.com/latest/tutorials/telegraf-output-...

If you are looking to migrate data, then you might also want to explore this tool: https://www.outfluxdata.com/

I believe PromQL [1] and MetricsQL [2] are much better suited for typical queries over time series data than SQL, Flux or InfluxQL.

[1] https://medium.com/@valyala/promql-tutorial-for-beginners-9a...

[2] https://victoriametrics.github.io/MetricsQL.html

> Your control. Your network. Your infrastructure. Your responsibility

These are all the reasons why I don't want to self-host my own git. I can live with it being down every now and then. And when it is down, I don't want it to be my job to fix it. I've got more important stuff to worry about.

I think this is the GitHub repo with the code shown in the video. Very impressive!


> Total privacy - we do not have access to your email account, Ivelope only sends your email data and password between your computer and your email server.

I wish this was the default assumption these days.

Yeah… so annoying it confused me for a while.

If that’s the user interface, I can hardly imagine what’s underneath. Is this thing actually secure with properly designed two-factor authentication, etc. Or a weak password and a PHP script and some rubbish like that?…

That's probably why they released this cropped screenshot. It wouldn't surprise if the site is accessible on the public web and secured with a weak password that must be changed weekly.

OK great freaking point. Man what a terrible idea, web application for a public alert system.

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