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Great! Bookmarked!

Feature request: a nice sound when each section is finished. Sometimes I'm not looking at the screen while doing the exercise, so a sound marking the section changes would be nice.

Yep, apple completely wrecked the app store discovery process with iOS 6. It's a real shame IMO.

Brown Paper Tickets is excellent up-and-coming ticketing company that I've used multiple times for alternative events in the pacific northwest. I'd love to see more companies take on the ticketmaster empire. https://www.brownpapertickets.com

I'm in the PNW as well, but not too fond of Brown Paper Tickets.

One company that I believed in was Bookr - they took away the ticketing fees (well actually they bundled it into a final price... so it was 'hidden'). They were working with local venues to give customers a clear price for the tickets they paid for.

Unfortunately Bookr didn't make it :(

Em is probably the very simplest guitar chord to play, only needing 2 fingers beside each other. Yet it doesn't come in at the top of the list. So I don't think your explanation is the dominant force here.

No way. Em7add11 is waaaayyy easier if you use the right voicing.

Yeah, if you went by novice guitar player easiness, the keys of G and D would be at the top, not C.

Also, barre chords enable you to play in any key you want, so it's not like playing in C# is particularly harder than playing in C.

Except that C is a (the?) natural third cord to use with G and D. And then it's a bit tricky to not get something that sounds like a John Denver song.

"Your browser is not supported. To use iCloud, we recommend using the latest version of Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer."

Also, there's a cute picture of a sad-face cloud. lol.

I'm using Firefox 3.6.19, since FF4 wasn't working well on my mac when I tried it.

I tried upgrading to FF4 on OSX, and it was a disaster: crashing on me left, right, and center. I went back to FF3.6 in under a week of use. I suggest OSX users wait for some stability updates before upgrading.

Fx4 is nothing but stable for me. Do you perhaps have a number of extensions that could be causing the instability issues?

I would also strongly advise against regular use of LSD.

I think LSD trips are highly influenced by your state of mind and intention towards the trip. Sometimes I've tripped looking for a spiritual event or revelations, and they often show up (in some form or another). Other times I've done it more 'just for fun' and there hasn't been as much revelation in it.

LSD has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. I now reserve it for special occasions, and combine a bit of ceremony to it. It's a powerful substance, so treat it with the weight it deserves.

Where do you get it?

um... this kind of info can be found in the basic Java Tutorials.

Apple is one of the most important player in digital video content distribution, through the itunes store.

Apple used to offer student scholarships to WWDC (I got one back in 2003). It looks like they no longer do that though (as of just this year).

The FAQ[1] says that “there will be a WWDC Student Scholarship.”

[1] https://developer.apple.com/wwdc/faq/

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