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My daughter managed to purchase two movies (Last Round and Frozen 2) on our Apple TV. She was 8 months at the time.

Hey, I'm an adult and I managed to accidentally purchase Mary bloody Poppins via the Amazon Prime phone app.

An accidental swipe in the wrong direction. It happens.

You literally can’t order FSD the way He claimed initially.

The difference is that Apple sells movies on Apple TV and Tesla doesn't sell FSD on the wheel stalks.

The consensus between experts is that it will create a fire hurricane.

And carry sharks.

Sharknado VII: Sharkurricane!

Nothing surprises me anymore (I hope).

not buying chinese made products is the only thing that will work. look at it as voting.

Great movie.

Assuming that data is basically a tool for doing PsyOps, it certainly puts the social networks operated by for example Chinese companies in a different light. That would mean total control.

Could you imagine if the Silicon Valley companies were obligated to share their data troves with the American government?

I understand now why every little shithole in China (e.g. my parents in law's small village) have better Internet fiber connections than I will ever have in Scandiavia.

What? That doesn't make any sense at all. Someone goes through the trouble of developing a network adapter and doesn't provide a Windows driver??? What DO they provide drivers for then??

The issue is (used to be) that they'd develop the Windows drivers, and publish them... on their website. Whereas the Linucies would bundle pretty much all the supported drivers on the install disk.

Precisely because the vendors only write Windows drivers, if it's supported on Linux it's probably in the kernel tree.

Negative thoughts detected! Your comment is now being run through a text pattern recognizer to tie it up with your Facebook and your email account. God forbid you might have a stray creative thought somewhere ever, that may threaten our precious democracies.

Have a nice life.

They gotta fill the whole spectrum of people, I suppose. As long as there is something for me, I am satisfied and I do find a gem of documentary once in a while or an old movie, I didn't watch for a long time.

What is the problem exactly with this "rip"? I often go swimming in the ocean although not in Australia.

This is fairly good [0]. Note that knowing the "swim parallel to the shore" advice is solid, but that doesn't stop it being seriously scary if you get caught. You still need to be a good swimmer and you can still panic.

I usually have a quick chat with a lifeguard if there is one, and/or check out what flag system they are using (usually pretty obvious like red/green but it can be different depending where you are). Research a beach on the internet for a few minutes before you go.


Search for something like "dangers of rip tide" and do some reading as it may well save your life one day.

Thank you. I will read up on it.

Rip is where there is a current taking you out and people try to swim in against it, get exhausted and drown. The solution is to swim parallel to the shore until you get to beyond the rip

> The solution is to swim parallel to the shore until you get to beyond the rip

But how do you know when are out of the rip, so you'd know when to stop swimming parallel?

Usually rips are only 10m wide. At special locations in the middle of a sandy beach, you can calculate, if you know the trick and angles.

As surfer we call them lift. They take you out for free, and then it's easy to step out, just as on a lift. But to a swimmer who has no idea they are usually deadly.

You can focus on some constant points, like the surf or some rocks, but usually it's easy to step out, and you feel it immediately.

I've never been in that situation. I think I seen recommendations where you should swim diagonally toward the shore rather than parallel, maybe that's the logic there. The thing is that there is an current toward the shore on either side of a rip, maybe you can sense the change in pull? Rips only go out so far before the water recirculates back to shore.

When you're swimming parallel and not moving further away from the beach, you're no longer being ripped away from the beach.

If you're already 100 meters out, and there are some waves, are you really able to tell whether you're moving away from the shore or not?

The pull is pretty strong, and you can feel it pulling you out. When it's not pulling at you any more you can feel it. You can be quite a long way offshore before you're out of it.

You can't feel or see it much when you're just floating in the water. It's like the phenomenon of a complete lack of wind while riding in a hot air balloon: You're immersed in the fluid which is moving, so you feel no relative motion.

You can feel it easily if you can touch or swim down to the bottom. Also, it's often possible to see where the sand bars and reefs that are next to the rip are located either by seeing the color of the ocean floor or by seeing the waves breaking; get behind those and you'll be out of the rip.

I will give you a raise, if you let me track you, so I can make sure you get enought sleep and exercise!

Dingtalk actually has a feature that lets you record steps/exercise even though I never used it

If it works, it works. I remember standing at the base of the new Tencent double tower, when it was being constructed. They were almost done with the concrete skeleton and the beams looked all crooked standing there looking up at the structure - each column on each floor was slightly misplaced compared to the previous one. I am no construction engineer, but I believe they should have been placed in a straight line, but maybe I am wrong..

Chinese construction leverages concrete by a fairly unskilled work force. To make up for the safety problems with that, they overbuild a lot, so precision isn't very necessary, but the building will deteriorate a lot faster without much more maintenance. So a newish building in China that is only a few years old will often feel much older than that, but at least it won't fall down.

Similar construction is utilized by India, and exported to other countries that utilize Indian construction labor (Singapore, Dubai, ...). Really it is just a trade off that soaks up cheap labor, which is very much in these country's best interest ATM.

ADV China youtube channel has covered this with some great video of new construction problems in China (not implying the problem is only there):


You explained what people used to tell me how GCC buildings didn't last as long thanks.


I assume Gulf Cooperation Council. UAE, Saudi, Quwait etc

Maybe not the case if they looked crooked, but having irregular placement of construction elements is a valid way to decrease tendency for self resonance through different vibration modes being dampened by the mismatched distances.

An irregular structure can be useful for improving earthquake resistance, or sway/vibrations in high wind situations.

All structural elements have geometrical flaws, and in concrete structures tolerances are measured in centimetets/inches. Alignment issues may result in problems if they are not addressed in design time (i.e. buckling) but that sort of scenario is very basic. Even european construction standards directly address geometrical flaws. They may look ugly but they're not exactly a problem.

Breaking a build, however, is a major problem.

I assume they would be more than a few inches off to be noticeable by the OP.

It could be a design and what you were missing is a glass facade that would align its missing symmetry.

This would make sense based on this picture : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Tencent_... There are a lot of angled windows on one side that would be awkward looking without the facade.

Just did a google of the tencent building. Wow.


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