Wow what a flashback, I'm pretty sure my dad had this exact model in the 80s. I'm remembering most of the components in the picture, amazing. Thank you HN
This is the last story I read to my dad that really made him smile, laugh and cry almost all at once... He had dementia and passed away a few months later after a life in civil aviation.
I worked with Flash, the founder of this site, back in 2000 at Globix. Sad to hear she's no longer with us and random to hear about it on HN. Lovely person. RIP
We've tried keeping our hundreds of docs organised to no avail but what has worked for us for some time now is to describe that document as well as possible in the title :
Eg: Ju brazilian Birth cert translation + original 2019.pdf
Then we just have Everything running in the back ground and search for whatever we need using that as it indexes all your files in real time and is very lightweight.
Everything is lighting quick when it comes to filtering a list of file names so we usually find what we need in a couple of seconds... Super easy to pull up too as they offer a global short cut key. Ctrl-Alt-Shift-E in our case...