I think the parent comment meant the query libraries. The EdgeDB page lists "first-party clients for your favorite languages." They have clients for JS/TS, Go, Python, etc... but no Java/Kotlin yet.
Function encapsulated as class. Dependencies passed via constructor. Single public method to execute 'function'.
Di as a single class with cake pattern using lazy properties for defining injectable objects. The most important - main function as application entry point.
I'm hosting own MySQL, Mongo and Elastic clusters. At the beginning it takes more time to setup than cloud providers solutions and require more knowledge and tooling to do some ops(upgrades, backups etc). But you know which version of db you are running and how it is configured. Additionally cloud providers own solutions are binding with one of them.
Using Pulumi for about 1 year to manage gcp and AWS environments (5+) - each deployment is around 500 resources. At the begining it was buggy but when they started to add typing i see a lot of improvment.
GO is simple decomposition of OOP, class was split into structure (with composition) and interface(with multiple inheritance without implicit definition what interfaces can can coop with structure). Go only restricted that you cannot define virtual methods.
Please read carefully what I've written. I've never said that struct == class. Secondly Rop Pike wrote under tweet: `But the more important idea is the separation of concept: data and behavior are two distinct concepts in Go, not conflated into a single notion of "class".` which only proves what I presented in first comment.
Please carefully read what I wrote. I never claimed you said struct == class.
You literally said go removed virtual methods. This is not what pike is talking about. Pike is talking about putting a function onto your struct. This is legal in go as functions are first class but rob is saying it should be done sparingly because data and behavior need to be distinct concepts.
It is not me who failed to parse your writing, but you who failed to understand pike and my comment.
Those graphs looks like confirmation bias. First of all pay as you go model is not a simple equation. Most of the time you will cross multiple boundaries and cost will raise in exponentially way (multiple stories how 30$ changed to 3k$). Secondly there is another bias when CTO has totally different point of view here are the pain points are. Thirdly, business guy loves to buy product of the shell to optimize development time where most of software development methodologies present this period as 20% cost of whole project (most of cost is located in maintenance (bugfix, alternations, new features). So after quick release this off shell product most of the times it will limit further grow by some limitation/cost of usage or missing feature.