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So a sufficiently complex GUI is more like a CLI? When is a GUI complex enough to be "more like a keyboard of a CLI"?

I'm sorry but the basic premise of GUIs being limited and CLIs not is just completely wrong.

Thanks Paul, I think you hit it right on the mark.

The startup community there has been building up steam the past couple of years — and it has become more and more organized. I'll definitely miss hanging out with all the talented people back there.

Worth another visit imho. ;)

- Dirk (one of the Sofa founders who's now moving to Palo Alto)

You had me at "I don't think Nokia's leadership thinks".

They must have known this device was in the pipeline when they made the WP7 announcement. It really doesn't seem like they gave much thought to how that would impact this (otherwise easy to get excited about) product's launch…

TLDR: yes

You can find everything about our apps and Enstore here: http://www.madebysofa.com/future/

We won't be taking on any more contract work (haven't anyway since the end of 2009)

Cheers, - Dirk

Hey Adam, thanks for the nice words, it means a lot :)

Never heard of you till just now, but looked at your designs. Incredible work. You all should consider doing a video of you designing an icon or image or page or something. I'd definitely pay to watch designers of your caliber go through the process.

I want to see screencasts of programmers at work, while we are at it.

If you haven't seen this one of Notch, it is pretty inspiring:



Funny you mention this; I learned to program back in 2006 by watching a screencast of my best friend programming at CMU. I lived in Toronto.

second your amazing design skillz. i've followed your company for the past year or so. amazing products.

Having people report to one person usually empowers them more than having them report to a committee. It also ensures 'vision control' in a much better way. So yes, and no, they're not at all different or incompatible.

Further specifying "good": you really need a lawyer who's seriously experienced in these kinds of matters, not just any lawyer. It makes all the difference.

Also remember that there's a lot a lawyer can do for you in a situation like this, way before a lawsuit is even on the horizon.

Along with get a lawyer's opinion before doing anything i would stress that you can talk to multiple lawyers or firms to get different prices and opinions. Also I have found that people are usually happier if they find their lawyers through a connection rather than just searching Google or the yellow pages.

Software has always been their edge.

I worry more about shaking-to-undo on my iPad and faux leather buttons in my Calendar app than about other companies figuring out there is more than plastic to build with.

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