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The heat keeps going at night too. Waking up at 6:30am for a run and it’s 80F outside at 95% humidity… brutal.

“\{“ reminds me of Swift’s “\(“. So I wouldn’t think it’s even that divergent. And Java devs are already used to backslashes peppering strings (me included).



So far I haven’t needed anything fancy like Htmx, but interested in looking into it in the future.

I’ve tried playing with things like Elixir or Go, but I know Python and am instantly productive in it. If I want to do something to play with a new stack, I will. But I want something done, then Python is the fastest way for me to get something useable.

My favorite:

alias gfp=“git commit --amend --no-edit && git push --force-with-lease”

For those “whoops, for got to add $x file” moments or typos

I have basically that set up as gitconfig alias "git amen"

Which is interesting because, anecdotally, I’ve had the exact opposite experience. I’ve lived in Dallas and Austin for a collective 27 years. And the number of outages I’ve had bewilders friends and family that are out of state. Since I’ve moved out of Texas a few years ago I haven’t had a single power outage.

In my family while growing up we kept flashlights and candles handy, and us kids were (very lightly) drilled on where to find them when the power went out. And again, this was in the middle of the metro, not out in any rural parts.

I was in an area serviced by the Bluebonnet power cooperative, which executed one of the smoothest time based multiplexes I've ever seen.

Interestingly, I've found most problems seem to be metro-centric in Texas. Austin, for instance, in patticular has a horribly architected power network, where much of downtown's skyscrapers and what not share a circuit that is never load shed, leaving only the residentials to be. This escalated to tragic consequences during the Winter storms of a few years ago when everyone was told to stay home (and freeze due to lack of power), while all of the buildings downtown where they'd have ostensibly worked kept their lights and heat on.

Families would have unironically been better off braving the streets to park themselves in a heated office downtown rather than trying to make due in their own homes. The landlords, lawyers, insurers, and sadly the fire departments, however, would have had a meltdown trying to figure out who should be culpable for anything that ended up happening as a result of the terrible decisionmaking when building the trunk. Cutting everyone loose on their own recognizance was a brilliant stroke of legal culpability shedding there.

Gg Austin Power on that one. Friends over in Dallas were also reporting a similar situation there during the hullaballo. If it's taught me anything, it's that urban planning of power networks seriously needs some rearchitecting in those locales.

Django was actually fine. They had the same codebase running on Python 2 and three, so you could update whenever. Since Django includes so many batteries, I didn’t have any trouble porting that over.

However, early versions of Python 3 were slower than Python 2, and also some breaking changes were getting rolled back (e.g. PEP-414, which was targeting Python 3.3), which contributed to a lot of library authors dragging their feet in upgrading their support.

So, yes, it was libraries causing the most headaches, but there was a sense at the time of wondering when the upgrade would become “real”. Depreciating py2 took 11 years after the release of 3.0.

In a one-pedal-driving scenario the neutral position is when the gas pedal is slightly depressed.

By default, with no feet on pedals, the EV will decelerate. An ICE car will coast when nothing is depressed.

They are referring to engine braking of manual ICE

I highly recommend YNAB. It pulled my financial life together a decade ago. Synced apps on the phone and web. It also introduced me to envelope budgeting, which I found to be super useful.

If you want to do investment tracking, I don’t think it’s the best for that.

Here here for YNAB. I would have preferred something FOSS, but the mobile app makes it much simpler to record transactions as they happen rather than saving receipts and doing it at home.

Or just shaking your iPhone for undo.

I tried that with an iPad once - if there's a way to do so without looking faintly ridiculous I'm all ears. But I'm an Android person as far as phones go, lack of a standard system wise undo command isn't quite enough to send me back to Apple.

My solution to this would be to enable the Assistive Touch button and set its double tap action to 'shake'. If you don't want the button all the time, create a personal automation shortcut which runs when a specific app opens and closes, setting Assistive Touch on and off as you wish.

Alternatively have Voice Control enabled and say "undo that".

There is also a three finger gesture: https://appleinsider.com/articles/19/06/27/new-ipados-button...

I think the point is that those three senior engineers could figure out how to do some SAML wrapper or remote execution on top of Open-Source Terraform instead of paying for the turn-key “Enterprise” features.

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