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A healthy second to this suggestion! The channel and community they've built is a high quality, informal classroom with some really thought provoking content. They actively engage with audience questions, provide "homework" in the form of challenge questions and are very welcoming. And amazingly, even during the pandemic, with their shooting from the hosts home, they didn't skip a beat. I've been a patreon supporter for awhile and it is the best damn value for my contribution.

Sounds like you want Unison: https://www.unisonweb.org/docs/tour/

I was just racking my memory and searching through my library of interesting links to find exactly this! Paul Chiusano gave a nice introductory talk at strangeloop last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCWtkvDQ2ZI

Interesting, yeah that sounds like what I was thinking about. Thanks for the link.

I think the position of this article requires a poor assumption with regards to the "marketplace of ideas." It assumes a majority of rational, fact-checking, good-faith actors which is just not the case in the real world. And without that particular check in place, falsehoods gain an undeserved advantage in the "marketplace of ideas."

So in this view, who gets to determine who is a "rational, fact-checking, good-faith actor" who should enjoy the privilege of free speech, and conversely, who should not have those same rights?

Exactly. I did layout for awhile. Some boards you knew weren't going to come back. Customer was just paying for us to turn a schematic and BOM into a board with the least amount of cost possible. Quoted low. You could let the autorouter have at it. But other boards (especially finicky high clock speed chip tester boards) would definitely be coming back. Sure you could let the autorouter do its thing, but when that board came back for a rev, I'd have to fuck with all of that laziness to make space for new components or reduce the layer count.

When I started to learn other languages after learning bash then Perl first, I was really dismayed at how clumsy it was to build up a data structure of any complexity. So verbose in the Java/C++/C# land.

Having those constructs so effortlessly available with a minimal amount of syntax spoiled me. To this day, I would likely still prefer to do any kind of complicated ETL involving deeply nested structures with Perl.

> it took ages for a complete Perl 6 release to be available.

And unfortunately, the brilliant minds that worked on Perl 6 spent so much time rewriting the compiler tool chain and basically treating just that part as a research project, that it was incredibly difficult to actually contribute and push the project forward. Couple that with a spec that never seemed finished and a community that tore itself apart because of assholes, and it was a perfect storm to remove Perl from prominence.

> The fact that I do programming at the weekend for fun on my personal projects does not in the slightest imply that I have fun at the kind of project that I have to do for the employer. So, judging by this criterion is a really bad idea of the (potential) employer.

I am not sure that was the argument being made. I think it was more like "If a candidate actively uses and develops their skill set in their own time, then they will be preferred over candidates that don't". Those candidates demonstrate a higher level of mastery of the skills needed by virtue of doing something, _anything_ over other candidates who don't, even if the demonstration is trivial. It can also signal a lower managerial load if the candidate has demonstrated the skill set to self-start and self-motivate. That can also mean less ramp-up time to being productive.

> develops their skill set in their own time

I don't see working on personal projects as doing personal development. What I do then is riddled with bugs, no unit-tests or documentation, and with no sense of project or time management.

Don't get me wrong if a personal project to you is production code, well then to me that is a hobby or maybe you are doing it to pad your resume, in which case sure it does seem like a good signal.

Overall though you have to have unproductive fun and that's what personal projects are for me, and this notion that anything tied to code equals resume is really insidious. Like when do we ever get away from work? Hustle culture seems to have made it's way into a white collar job, I need to tune out.

I mean I had side project I don't maintain anymore. I did learned some on it, but I don't think I became so much better then what I am learning normally on the job and from reading.

I am coding majority of my working time. Some more hours at home does zero for my learning.

Also, people who put really a lot into work during work day, don't have projects outside. Because they are literally tired from work. If they would not, they would work more intensively on work. Like, if one have slow boring month, then it is easy to crank some more. But in normal week when you do with full focus, you get tired.

Texas in the spring is wonderful. Everyone is out taking pictures in the massive fields of bluebonnets and indian paintbrush. Of course, it can also cause traffic issues as people pull over to do the photo op in the medians.

Giant shoulders mean this usually happens by the highway without trouble.

> I don't consider myself FUCKING SMART, quite the opposite, especially at that company with those coworkers who were despite the sound of it actually really smart, but unlike my coworkers I had not accepted the situation but felt that there must be something to do to improve it.

This is the secret sauce. The impulse to solve the higher order problem and the willingness to question fundamental assumptions in order to arrive at a solution.

Your non-10x devs might have attempted to optimize the DOS system, or maybe even introducing some kind of caching and just lived with the somewhat mitigated performance.

Empathy. Definitely practice empathy. Hacking brains is a lot more difficult compared to hacking code.

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