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Not as fast as the reverse. It's surprising how much Japanese is just borrowed English written in katakana.

The US will be slower than most places due to the federation and ideological individualism.

It gives you readability. It's not what I'm used to, so it feels like reading French to me. Generally, if I see something without a namespace, it has a local scope.

I'll remember to prioritise 0000 to 2767 for your PINs, then.

Just so you can see the bias to early numbers in the distribution:

    for i in $(seq 1000000); do
        echo $[RANDOM%10000]; 
    done | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -rn | gnuplot -e "set terminal dumb; set xtics 1000; plot '< cat' using 0:1 with boxes"

I think this gnuplot command makes the bias much more obvious (and even better with -persist and "set terminal x11"): gnuplot -e "set terminal dumb; set xtics 100; plot '<cat'"

Compare to the version that discards values over 3e4:

  for i in $(seq 1000000); do x=$((RANDOM)); while test $x -gt 30000;do x=$((RANDOM)); done; echo $((x%10000));      done |sort|uniq -c |sort -rn |gnuplot -e "set terminal dumb; set xtics 100; plot '<cat'"
Or the version that uses the 32-bit SRANDOM, which reduces the bias by a factor of 2**17:

  for i in $(seq 1000000); do         echo $((SRANDOM%10000));      done | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -rn |gnuplot -e "set terminal dumb; set xtics 100; plot '<cat'"

Yep. I don't have much experience doing it with my macbook but on Windows it's source of rage. 2 options:

- physically block the hot plug detect pin on all of your display cables. Now you can turn off your monitor!

- PersistentWindows (slow to put everything back, jumps around virtual desktops)

Bonus points for everything related to 'windows' and 'virtual desktops' being un-googleable terms.

Less than 1% of what Chinese has

Not for numbers.

零一二三四五六七八九十百千萬億 is all you need to get into the billions. It's not as practical for computation, though.

There are people who know more Chinese glyphs than just the numbers, implying it is possible to learn 60 glyphs.

Not an example of a sane system.

Both are the same in their own base. 9+1 isn't inherently easier in arbitrary bases - do you know what 10000 is in hexadecimal without working it out?

> do you know what 10000 is in hexadecimal without working it out?

I do, because it's 2^16, a very important number in computer science (though less important now). But I won't spoil it by giving the answer.

Wrong way around.

Fewer thank you'd think. It turns out the poisonous ones are bad for PR.

>Construction work is required to retarget beam.

If you mount two of them like a gyroscope, inside a spherical opening, the planes could overlap into a target-able beam.

>that occasionally delivers mail

Roughly once every two weeks, here.

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