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A haskell one

For great justice!

I don't think you're alone, i have the same "issue"

Nothing in the decentralized design prevents an host from blocking one video. By "we can't strike, shadow-ban, or demonetize you just because we disagree", he simply meant that the net prevents that. Like tor, a relay cannot be held liable for content on the tor network.

You hope they cannot be held liable. That doesn’t mean that you can’t be raided, or have to defend yourself against charges of illicit content being found in a computer you use, or accusations that you’re knowingly supporting crimes. A lot of that is going to depend on the service and how much visibility you have into user activity - a caching storage node is going to be riskier than forwarding encrypted packets, for example.

Here’s an example of some privacy activists:


Maybe you’re super ideologically committed to providing a privacy service and willing to take the risk, but you still want to soberly consider those risks and think about the impact if it’s harder to defend yourself than you thought. It’s not a casual decision.

Er… how long since the last exit node SWAT raid?

so you want an 8 yr old child who mistakenly might have opened the home page of this website to go and manually block the video so that he cant see the video after he saw it?

Host, not user. The host blocks it. Host has moderators the same way as Twitter does.

The siesta is natural and is different from the naps taken from shift workers that are likely either interrupting night time sleep or are shifting their circadian rythm so that their "biological night" is in the day. Same thing for the "biological day" (it will be put at night) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siesta?wprov=sfla1

I recommend to read https://supermemo.guru/wiki/Best_time_for_napping The key takeaways is that naps won't affect night time sleep much if it's timed well. I also don't recommend stopping them artificially (I've heard the "keep them short" advice a lot), naps are usually short if you aren't sleep deprived and time it well.

Have you looked at ccache?

Modern education is already rotten with extrinsic motivations and you wanna add money in? Those extrinsic motivations are primarily mediated by the parents, imagine the impacts with 1-2K (or even less)

About yoga nidra : wikipedia tells us about a n=1 study[0] that found NREM sleep waves during yoga nidra, it seems that if this generalize, it would be equivalent to taking a nap [0]: https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.pbr.2018.10.016


Heck even electrons are somewhat unpredictable

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