Which company? The lifestyle/youtube/clothing company or the company that acquire them and a lot of other automotive companies? Seems like they over expanded.
The machine it sells to McDonald franchisee are crap. They make other ice cream machines for other franchises and they don't seem to have the same repair issues.
Go with the "Laravel from Scratch" on v8 to learn the basics. Then follow up with the "What's new in Laravel 9". I'll be updating to v9 this spring. Laravel has been pretty stable since they changed to semver for versioning (ie v6). The framework is fairly stable. They held off the v9 release so it could have the new Symphony components. A lot of features that would have been released with v9 were added to the v8 framework. v9 may have some breaking changes, but I'd have to really dig through the release notes to find what would affect my app.
I'm more concerned with updating PHP from 7.4.x to 8.x then the framework update. Our test env had issue with one of our blade templates when running under 8.x.
Yep -- I am more worried about the PHP side because there you run into the question of whether other PHP devs whose packages you use are as good as the Laravel guys.
In relation to the article, it seems like Ingo Molnar did everyone a favor by doing some low level code clean up. I hope this gets tested and accepted.
I believe a lot of the sex workers expected this to happen at some point. Tumblr burned them when they got bought. So they might have some diversification, but their main focus has been OnlyFans. That was the platform that gave the best ROI.
I agree that "fear sells". Usually there is a "them" to be afraid of. Not sure the media has figured out who we're supposed to be afraid of in this pandemic.
The unmasked? Those with differing opinions on the pandemic? Fellow shoppers? People outside your immeadiate family circle? Consumers of non-essential services?
At this point the divisions have been potentially driven to a point where each individual is atomized. Of course that it is the extreme case, but you needn't look far if you are looking to personify the target of the fear campaign.
the media wants you to fear, and even hate, those who's information source is not the same as yours. In other words, anyone getting information from a competitor.