You’ll get some eye rolls from people when you bring that up for Sally.
But there are several names that used to be considered male but are now female, like Leslie and Marion. I don’t think I’ve ever met a man name Marion, but you still occasionally run into a Leslie.
It would be interesting to start using Leslie for this little logic puzzle and see how that affects people’s answers.
Usually having index.html in /now would behave as if the /now was the page. Other index.extension files (like index.php) might also work depending on the server configuration.
You mean like /now/index.html. Yeah, that could work! Thanks!
But "/now.html" feels "cleaner" to me. I know others might disagree.
If this now thing could support just "/now.html" or even "/now" redirecting to "/now.html", that would be swell! Maybe they already do support it? Hoping to learn from the community if these alternative paths are supported.
/now is cleaner in practice, because it's shorter, matches a (nascent, proposed) "standard", and hides the implementation details.
File path /now/index.html is a fine way to expose your content at /now ... Most webservers will default to config that allows this.
You could replace it in the future with a gigantic web app that is wired into your brain implant to retrieve realtime status. If you use /now.html, you would have to fight the framework to lie about the implementation details, instead of just not specifying them in the first place.
You could also configure your webserver to serve /home/carbonatom/webstuff/dereks-idea/now/new-version-2025.html as /now, if you like. These are the kind of implementation details that a good URL will hide (even if the specific example is a terrible case, the equivalent does happen sometimes!).
What do you want out of support? Listings on the site seem to be done manually, so it shouldn't matter what you make the path if that's what you're going for.
Windows now have OpenSSH client (and server) available as optional features. Together with the new terminal the ssh client seems to be working fine. Personally I usually opt in to use the ssh in WSL as I keep it installed on all my Windows machines.
I'm not sure if it's different for Nvidia, but the Gamer Nexus video about Intel drivers suggest a lot of the work getting good performance is done on the driver side for all GPU vendors:
The satellite orbited at 320 km. At that altitude the atmosphere drag is non-negligible, so it had to burn fuel to stay there. So the life was limited by how much fuel it had and that is limited by launch vehicle capabilities. If the launch cost get lower, I imagine refueling might become option, but we are not there yet (except for ISS, but that is different case).
Even that is not needed. There is enough people that want open source ChatGPT clone to create the dataset from scratch by themselves. The Open Assistant community actually already created enough training data for the initial model training and the data will be released under open source license. And from what I played with the initial model, it looked promising (though not anywhere close to GPT 3.5 yet).
The folks making Open Assistant [1] (opensource ChatGPT clone) gathered enough data to start initial training, so hopefully there will be something to play with soon.
My usual strategy is to ensure that the lengthy parts are executed only once. So for example one of the lengthy parts is environment setup for me too. So what I did is to put as much as possible on the docker image I build and then I start tests from image mostly ready to run. Of course something similar can be done during runtime. If starting the software you test takes long time, you could set it up only once and run multiple tests without tearing down the setup. Of course this has disadvantage of having possibly tainted environment and there is risk of making the tests depend on previous state. On the other hand this could also help discover problems that are hidden by always running tests on clean slate, so it's a tradeoff. And I have to note that I mostly do integration testing, so the long parts are probably in different places than for unit testing.