Trade barriers won't really affect digital service companies as they're not moving physical goods around.
Digital services are affected by other types of regulation though which won't really change as a result of Brexit (e.g. if you're a British online accounting company selling a version optimised for German companies).
This to me is essentially eternal political debate between the collective vs. the individual. Do we "put down" the individual in order to promote the well-being of the collective (read tyrannical majority rule) or do we value the rights of the individual regardless of they impact the collective? I am personally on the side of the latter.
Secession is by definition a break out from the collective. So considering what the collective wants seems to me like asking the majority to vote for their tyrannical interest (very biased way of doing things).
so you are comparing a country to a union of countries to demonstrate that one country is not equal to 28... Here is the funny thing: depending on how you look at it, the US is still bigger than all those 28 combined. So no it's not a myth, it's just you conflating two different things!
The point of mathematical models is to be predictive. But I wouldn't call prediction "the whole point of science". That's reducing science to a means-to-an-end.
I think science is more commonly understood to be about discovery and exploration? Although it is commonly applied and turned into engineering, expansion of knowledge is still an end in itself.
Ever heard about Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle"? The purpose was to collect specimens and chart coasts -- purely descriptive. Even the idea of predictive natural science was a little awkward in the face of the religious concept that God created the world as-is/will-be.
> That expression is a cynical look at the relationship of the individual to the State: so long as my belly is full and I am entertained I'm all right Jack.
Wow. You just describe Sweden O.o I'm mighty impressed how this saying fits perfectly into the context of the modern Swedish culture!
Aside from a selected few, I am not very impressed with said "offering" :/ It feels as if it is all a bunch of recycled stuff. But I guess that's just the cynic in me talking!
Couldn't we just come up with some convention for "expanded filenames" where the meta-data is included in the file name itself? In the UI portion, you see what you see now, no difference, but say anything after the // delimiter in the file name is considered meta data and not shown in the windows/terminal UI.
Not sure if it's a good solution but if I were to put the meta data somewhere I would somehow try to put it in the identifier of the file (the name) as it is data that would help me identify the file AND it's content!
This is partially what filesystem forks/streams were supposed to be for. The big problem, as mentioned, is that this works for the OS, but isn't somehow transferred to third parties.