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I was going to mention this as well. I am of the demographic squarely aimed at the NeoPets revival (late millenials/early gen-z) and not a single person I know views NeoPets in a good light after they tried to pivot to NFTs.

I'm sure not everyone holds the same views as my friends and I, but I know they burned a LOT of good will trying to make a quick buck.

I don't understand how this is exclusively a men's issue. Now this is completely out of my realm as a gay woman but wouldn't this roughly mean that there is a similar amount of straight women who are single as well? In my experience polyamory among the straights isn't nearly as common as the internet likes to make it sound. In general, millennials (and I assume gen-z as well) are having less sex on average and getting into less relationships than previous generations.

There's a Plenty of Fish or OK Cupid survey somewhere where heterosexual female respondents reported sex within the last year at a much higher rate than heterosexual men. The implication is that some of the more attractive men are having sex with more than one woman. There are some other surveys out there

In my personal experience, the average person having sex with more than one partner is unlikely to identify with the term polyamory. It's not as mainstream as the internet makes it seem.

"Men represent approximately 62% of dating app users"

Thus, the odds suggest women will have better luck on the dating apps. But it's an unrepresentative sample of the genders overall.

Are you saying that the average person having sex with more than one person is cheating or simply only persuing casual relationships?

I'm not making an assertion about that. Could be either, imo more likely the latter. There are people I've met who are basically poly but balk at the label.

There’s studies that show heterosexual men are happier in relationships; while heterosexual women in relationships are the least happy of all the relationship demographics. So I think there’s more single het men because there’s just more het men per capita. But even if there’s a similar number of single het women it has drastically different implications on quality of life.

I find it hilarious that by just having fellow women exist it is somehow political... You do realize the overwhelming majority of computers in WWII were women right?

I find it really amusing when people tell on themselves like this. A similar thing happens when piles of people start decrying a newly announced movie for being "woke" when literally the only information we have about it is a promotional poster showing a non white/non male main character.

Newsflash - if people that don't look like you simply /existing/ is "too woke" you might just be a massive bigot.

Do you have any source for this? A cursory search brings up nothing for me.

As someone who has done development work with Class A data and specifically in the realm of justice, soft deletes aren't simply a good idea, they are required by law.

Most of these downsides are easily mitigatable issues as well. As many users have stated, something like views solves the issue of forgetting the 'deleted' clause.

Lastly, I'm not sure the issue with foreign keys/stray records really resonates with me. I'd be hard pressed to be comfortable allowing a developer or DBA who isn't fully comfortable with the data model to be hard deleting records, let alone flagging them as soft deleted.

Having grown up somewhere northern that doesn't follow DST (Saskatchewan) I never really understood this argument. Winter months you get so little sunlight anyways I don't really see how it would make too much of a difference.

Mind you this could be because of where I grew up, but moving to somewhere that follows DST I always saw it more as an inconvenience than anything else.

Essentially DST is making everyone wake up an hour early everyday for 7-8 months. I’d rather just let the people who want the “extra” hour of sunlight in the evening get up early. Our bodies sync with the earth’s clock and not what we set. (Also 1-hr timezones are not sufficient. We need 30 minute time zones as well. People in the westernmost US, for example, have an early start. DST makes it much much earlier.)

It is not really practical to try to run one's life an hour ahead of the schedule of society, as set by things like business hours, transit schedules, and the times of public events and performances. This is why I personally would be sorry to lose DST where I live, even though it is an ugly hack.

Performances are held around the clock, you can't visit them all anyway.

I live in the middle part of alberta and I'm in the same boat, and during the recent referrendum on switching to DST I couldn't believe the amount of "But in the northern part of the province sunrise will be too late for kids going to school!" as if:

- ...Sunrise wasn't already too late for kids going to school anyways, since Because Capitalism school has to start before work does,

- ..."Sunrise" is a fixed point when you get any further north from me in the winter. It's more like a couple hours of varying degrees of "glowing horizon" centered around "sunrise" to begin with.

As far as I know this is still in A/B testing as well, and not a fully rolled out feature. I've had a friend with it for the better part of the year, yet I have yet to get the option on any of my servers.

The new ray tracing is being done in real time rather than being baked into the scenes.

Interesting. The entire site is geoblocked with this message

  Why can I not access Betfair?
  We are sorry to inform you that as of 14th January 2016, Betfair’s products are no longer be available to residents of Canada.

  On 14th January 2016 Canadian residents are no longer be able to login to Betfair. Please note that all outstandingExchange & Sportsbook bets will remain in place, please contact us if you wish to gain details of these bets, or withdraw any winnings, by contacting our helpdesk here.
I'm not aware of any legislative changes that occurred around that time that would cause this, does anyone have any other ideas?

Here's what a random person on the internet says:

> Paddy Power, BF [Betfair] acquirer, handles the betting for the BC Lottery; and as such is specifically precluded from offering bookmaking on its own. But before this, BF had made the strategic decision of leaving all gray areas-- countries where it and/or betting wasn't specifically allowed. For one, jurisdictions where it was specifically allowed or applying to be-- could use such a violation as grounds for denial...US / NJ one example for sure. And in Canada sports betting is actually illegal, notwithstanding that the government will not go after individual players and hardly ever bothers any corporation.


At the end of 2015, Betfair merged with Paddy Power who help(ed) the British Columbia Lottery Corporation run the BC lottery so maybe there was a conflict of interest or inability to easily offer bookmaking services there at the same time?

Is online gambling legal in Canada? I know lotteries pretending to be giveaways always have clauses about not being available in Canada.

Another film that deals with Nuclear Holocaust, albeit more of the direct aftermath is BBC's Threads[1].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threads_(1984_film)

That movie is harsh! Highly recommended

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