That's why we cannot have nice things. The stuff that worked with a dozen members didn't work as well with twice the participants (some of them with little respect for compromise - which is effectively the founding value the whole Union apparatus is based on). Removing veto powers in the Council was the only way to ensure things could keep getting done.
Note this was done through treaty amendments, which were agreed by all participants.
Ah, so I won't just have all of private conversations monitored for no reason at birth, oh wait, but what about those 40 cameras that are on every residential street owned by Amazon and Google?
I'd rather have a public camera in my bedroom than a recording of every conversation I've ever had with anyone stored and searchable by governments, police, and the inevitable dark scammer for all eternity.
That is not to say that cameras everywhere aren't dystopian. But their existence doesn't undermine the added danger of chat control.
It was *very* hard to decode what this article is about when it started off with "quickly forgot about their support for “Women in STEM”", which (after 3 reads of the first 2 paragraphs and then closing the page) has nothing to do with anything, but makes it sound as if the article is about identity politics, which it isn't.
> we need to step back and look at what a healthy technological ecosystem would look like
...aaand as usual mr tech commentator was right up until this point. There doesn't need to be a balance. People are always talking about "balance". What balance? TV/radio didn't spy on you to operate a profitable business in the broadcast days. I can do anything on an Amiga computer with probably not bad UI compared to the latest versions of Windows, and it will never have to phone home for anything. This opinion itself, ironically, is just a shifting baseline. You are talking about "balance" (translation: compromises) because the 3 maintained pieces of software for your domain (such as camera in your house) are by two scum corporations and the 3rd is some garbage quality open source software. Nothing stops someone from making actual good software/hardware, closed or open.
> Given that the vi user interface is logical, and therefore easy to learn
This is the number one problem with tech industry. Autists don't understand that people other than them don't spend thousands of hours on what they so happen to be intersted in (for example caring this much about one text editor, when there are literally 1000 other things to learn in operating a computer). While you're at it, explain that you are supposed to press esc then wait 500ms (it's obvious why it works this way if you invest a few hundred hours in studying terminals) then type :q and explain that people born in 2010 are supposed to know what a terminal is even though nobody even used terminals by the late 90s.
You're both wrong. Cloudflare is breaking the internet by doing interactive verification of users, meaning the web is no longer an open protocol. I'm referring to that "enable javascript" page and "one more step" page. They require you to have Firefox or Chrome, neither of which are acceptable, which they verify with scripts and deep packet inspection. Contrast this to old school communication protocols which I could implement in an hour. I can't implement a Firefox in 100 years. Firefox can't even run on 95% of my machines, it just lags to hell once you open two tabs. And I need as many instances of Firefox as possible across many boxes to prevent being data mined. Cloudflare is the nail in the coffin for the web, they just not have advanced that far yet. Just wait until "something happens" and Cloudflare ups their policing.
> I'm referring to that "enable javascript" page and "one more step" page.
Sorry, I have no idea to what you're referring.
But even if that is the case _for sites that are behind Cloudflare CDN_ - that still doesn't invalidate my point that Cloudflare _itself_ does not make the web decentralized. A lot of traffic _happens_ to go through it right now - but if it does "up its policing" in a way which is unacceptable, it is trivial for hosts to migrate away from behind it, in a way which is _not_ the case when 1. your content is irretrievable from the provider, 2. your social network is unmigratable, or 3. your product is built in provider-specific language/tooling.
EDIT: a sibling comment[0] helped me realize that what I'm describing is more like "lock-in-iness" than "centralization". Fair. Though - a "gatekeeper" from whom migration costs are very cheap worries me far less.
You're wrong because you're just saying Cloudflare is making the web more centralized. The web is centralized by design and a defective technology. It costs money to host text files (and for no reason, see Bit Torrent for a counter example (and don't talk to me about unseeded content because you could literally just seed your website if you care about it so it would be no different than current web)).
The more viewers your website gets the more money it needs for hosting (unlike proper ways of serving documents, like Torrent), this naturally leads to centralization. The more americunts browse your site the more likely it needs lawyers and since you are now a business (which you shouldn't be because websites for profit are garbage), you have to act "responsibly", like a business. The more you publish stuff that goes against the grain the more your site will be DDoSed. Today even just not being polite is enough to get DDoSed by some kind of blue haired "anarchist". I mean this literally, not in some nazi way - merely writing the Spanish word for black regardless of context is enough for DDoS. You need professional publishers to imagine every single problematic thing you could write if you want your blog today to have a mere 1 million viewers. The more you do anything what so ever the more your website is pushed around and eventually has no choice but to go with some big enterprise data centers who has their own stupid rules like Cloudflare who blocks every second user for their broken firewall and constantly insists they are right.
By electing more engineers to help lawyers instead of more lawyers.
But really we need to make it a requirement for congressional folks (parliamentary too) to divest from corporate sponsorship in order to be in office and that they understand that their seat can be revoked should they not follow the “will of the people” or whatever your constitution says.
In the US, more and more Congress people are on the boards or funded by Big Tech to the point where all it takes is a little one-on-one meeting and your entire stance flip flops. Is the US banning TikTok? Not? Yes? No? Now we aren’t? Oh it’s back on? Nope, nevermind.
I lost hope that Congress would ever understand science after Bush vs Gore.
That's because expensive models, and the only ones with any remotely decent picture (maybe scratch that as the sandy coating is abysmal) like the $1000+ Dell 2408WFP, had miles of input lag to the point where you couldn't even control your mouse on the desktop. Like most TVs now. However all LCDs also just do have high input lag, you're just not sensitive to it. On the more tame LCDs like any random TN from 2005+, it's just a minor annoyance, although it does make mouse based 3D games unplayable.
CRT black levels compared to LCD are night and day. Even a game like Genshin Impact (shit game I know, but it has good graphics) looks unimaginably better on CRT than any LCD, due to the high contrast as a consequence of the low black level. CRTs generally have less reflection than a glossy LCD due to some different kind of coating or glass treatment hard to find info on it). Last summer I used a CRT that is 99% dead (99% brightness / contrast) with the windows open every day letting sun in on a ~90 degree angle, and there was never an issue, nor with cheaper ones.