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If it’s JSON you want, here’s my blog’s RSS feed in JSON.


I started generating the JSON version in 2011.


It took a few minutes to write the JSON rendering code, that’s how close the two serialization formats are, so if you want JSON, you can have it.

i'm not going to re-do all the sites i did in the 90s, 00s, 10s. never going to happen.

Could you elaborate? I thought upgrading to HTTPS wouldn't involve redoing any sites, no changes to the HTML/CSS/JS/server side code, except for the TLS configuration and maybe replacing links from "http:" to "https:" but that's optional. I'd like to hear how it requires redoing a website?

I'm not asking you to

did you read the part about how https doesn't protect us from the browser vendor, ie google?

They tell us to worry about man-in-the-middle attacks that might modify content, but fail to mention that they can do it in the browser, even if you use a "secure" protocol. They are the one entity you must trust above all. No way around it.

You should try Caddy -- it's even easier.

Haha perfect demo! ;-)

They're breaking the web. That's the point.

All other arguments you're presenting about HTTPS being easy (it is, have you tried Caddy) are moot. It's the sites that were made before Google took over control that aren't maintained that are at issue. And the idea that a for-profit company that no one should trust is saying they're the only ones you have to trust.

And the fact that many of us adopted the web because it was a platform that no company controlled. If it had been presented as Google's platform I would have run the other way and would have advised you to do the same. But now I'm invested. My freedom as a developer depends on the integrity of the web. And a web controlled by Google isn't the web.

Google has a nasty habit of taking control of open protocols and then trashing them.

Roll up your sleeves, make some quiet time and actually READ THE DOCUMENT.


Breaking the web is the issue folks.

I click the link but it keeps showing me porn and asks for my Google username and password. That's some weird content to post to hackernews.

I can't READ THE DOCUMENT because it isn't on the web. Do you have an https link? Or a mirror somewhere on the web?

Works on a few machines / connections I tried. Perhaps you should switch to a better browser or change your ISP if they don't let you visit websites that are on the web.

Yes, sir, later was directed by someone else to your opinion on this issue. I understand your points (while respectfully disagreeing).

All that said, thanks for your wholehearted efforts over the years on behalf of RSS and all of us who still enjoy using it.

my perspective is that my name and copyright were removed from a document i wrote and re-published on the W3C site and that should be fixed. please don't speak for me. thanks.

It might be worth opening an issue on the repo: https://github.com/w3c/feedvalidator/issues

And linking to the PR where it got removed: https://github.com/w3c/feedvalidator/pull/68

Or if you want to really get their attention, pull a DMCA takedown.

i doubt if it will come to a DMCA takedown but that is a creative an interesting idea!

maybe someone else could post an issue to their repo. but as the author of the spec i really shouldn't have to do anything to get an esteemed organization like the W3C to respect a CC license and copyright.

of course any document can go missing, but the RSS 2.0 spec has been at that location for 20+ years and was put there specifically to preserve it over time.

and of course it's no excuse for ignoring a copyright notice and removing authorship credit.

and if harvard's website should disappear then grab a copy from archive.org. or use the github repo we created for the spec.

there are lots of backups of that spec. it would be hard to lose it. ;-)

I wrote a post about this thread. I am the author of the XML-RPC spec and co-designer of the format.


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